If you’re here, I’m so proud of you.

As a graduate of one of my programs, you’ve already invested in yourself.
You’ve already accomplished so much.
It’s been an honor and privilege to support you.

And…there is more for you.

More growth. More expansion. More abundance. More joy.
As far as we’ve come together…this is only the beginning.

Your ability to create the life you want is truly limitless.
And you already know that the foundation for creation is support.

If you’re ready to receive the support you need to create what’s next in your business and life, I invite you to step into the sacred circle of Sage Femme.

How can you lead from a place of deep intuition and joy?

The word “leadership” gets a bad rap. It feels masculine. An old, outdated paradigm from a 1980s motivational poster. Yet if you are here…you are a leader. Why?

Women are natural leaders. We connect, we communicate, and we organize our lives with fluidity and ease. Our bodies are hardwired for creation — it is literally in our DNA — and we almost effortlessly build communities for ourselves and others, often while juggling multiple commitments (homes, partners, children, multiple career paths and callings).

Yet when many of my clients think of themselves as leaders, they say that leadership feels:

  • scary

  • overwhelming

  • daunting

  • untrue

  • masculine

  • commercial

  • out of reach

However, the leadership I teach in Sage Femme is a form of leadership I call “embodied leadership.” It’s leadership from the outside in, cultivating your intuition and spiritual gifts in order to write, create, speak, and share wisdom through your programs and teachings. It’s building community in a way that feeds your energy rather than burning you out. It contributes to your health rather than taking away from it. It is joyful. It is fun! (There’s a reason you always see me smiling when I lead classes and workshops.)

Most of all, it helps you fulfill your potential in life to serve others rather than merely possessing it. Embodied leadership means leading through serving. And you can’t lead others where you haven’t gone first.

Sage Femme is where we embody our wisdom, preserving it and sharing it for generations to come.

From Guidance Within gives you the why and how of running a business that’s aligned with your purpose, with your heart’s calling. It marries personal healing with professional growth.

Sage Femme is a deeper spiritual initiation. This sacred container will help you access more of your own authentic and grounded spiritual connection, so that your inner guidance becomes the clear and steady source of direction for all you will do. You will develop greater sensitivity and discernment in listening to the voice of wisdom within as well as receiving and integrating messages from your divine guides.

Sage Femme is a deeper healing journey. Your body, energy, mind, heart, and voice are all intimately connected. Get to know how each one works and supports you on a deeper, more specific level. Strengthen your ability to put your finger on the pulse of your own desire and find even more ways to give yourself what you need and want, especially when that changes.

Sage Femme is sustained support for the continued expansion and integration of your creative, healing, and spiritual work. It is mentorship. It is community. It is belonging. You are not alone on the journey of your life or your work, and the accountability of a supportive community lifting you up is the #1 most effective way to meet and exceed the goals, desires, and vision you have for yourself this year and beyond.

Sage Femme will instill the unshakeable trust that there is no limit to what you can create.


You CAN continue to deepen your spiritual and intuitive abilities. There is no end to this learning, and it is truly the work of a lifetime.

You CAN receive even more healing and release more layers of what doesn’t serve you. Healing, too, is the process of learning and unlearning that you engage with your entire life.

You CAN make your teaching even more specific, refined, and valuable. Just as you are a guide and mentor for your clients, they teach you in return.

You CAN expand your business and attract greater abundance without burnout while creating new opportunities for learning and connection within your community.

You CAN be a true leader, one who invites and empowers others to step into their greatness, while embodying your spiritual purpose and passion (and getting a full night’s sleep!)

Change and evolution are woven into the fabric of life, the sacred marriage of masculine and feminine unfurling in all aspects of nature. That includes you. The tools you’ll learn in Sage Femme will help you embrace and navigate whatever changes come your way for the rest of your life.

Do you want to find out just how powerful you are?
Just how much of an impact you can have?
Just how much joy you can experience while doing your life’s work?

I do! I hold the biggest, brightest vision for you that I’ve designed Sage Femme to support. There truly is no limit to what you can experience and achieve in this life. You are a leader. And now is your time to embody your unique brand of leadership, grounded in intuition, spiritual purpose, and a willingness to serve.


Sage Femme is a 9-month intimate mentorship program for women who have been on a spiritual path and are ready to go deeper.

This program is designed to support graduates of From Guidance Within and Follow Your Bliss 1:1 Coaching who have already done the groundwork of personal healing and aligning your business structure with your purpose in life. From this foundation, Sage Femme will serve to deepen your curriculum and coaching style and activate even more of your spiritual and intuitive gifts.

In this program, you will:

CULTIVATE YOUR SIGNATURE WORK: You will continue to hone your offerings to meet your clients at the intersection of their deepest need and your deepest gifts. I’ll guide you through my process of refining curriculum as you work with more clients. You’ll learn methods of regularly tapping into both inner wisdom and channeled guidance then translating that into curriculum and teaching opportunities for your community.

REFINE YOUR UNIQUE METHOD FOR TEACHING: We will build on the creative vision you created in our previous work together and continue to hone and develop your unique style of teaching and mentoring others. Rather than try to teach you how to teach like me or like someone else, I’ll help you lean even more into the gifts only you can give and teaching style that only you possess.

EXPAND INTO YOUR INTUITIVE NATURE: We will experiment and play will all kinds of spiritual connection with yourself and the divine. You will build greater trust in your abilities as they strengthen and grow, as well as greater trust in the messages you receive. You’ll learn how to interpret, discern, and take action based on this intuitive guidance, and you’ll learn how to develop and embrace your psychic gifts rather than fear or avoid them.

RECEIVE SUSTAINED SUPPORT: As a community of women, you will learn from one another and grow together, holding a network of support for personal, professional and spiritual development. Receive the immense benefits of peer support in a conscious, reflective, and sacred container for healing, self-awareness and transformation. This is a small group where you will be seen and held and feel a sense of true belonging.

CONTINUED BUSINESS STRATEGY AND DEVELOPMENT: All the business strategy and guidance you’ve received in our work so far? That continues in Sage Femme. In addition to our monthly Community Working Sessions, you can always bring business questions to our group sessions, Voxer channel, and on our private Mighty Networks community.


If you’re ready to step into greater levels of trust in your intuition, this program is for you.


2022 Curriculum

  • - develop a stronger, more harmonious relationship with silence and how to use it

    -set strong, clear intentions for this course and your year ahead

    -commit to a regular practice of listening to spiritual guidance

  • -start to embody the sacred from within

    -presence your commitments and intentions in your body

    -remember and re-engage with your softness

  • -learn more about the relationship between healing and creation

    -create healthy and authentic boundaries

    -remember the path of your soul’s deepest longing

  • -reclaim your personal power

    -ask for support and show up fully, practicing self-responsibility as self-honoring

    -clear unhealthy attachments

  • -cultivate greater presence in your heart

    -listen for what heals

    -how to enter the spiritual heart

  • -your unique voice, listening by design, and the messages of truth

    -learn how you are an act of creative consciousness

    -release blockages to your voice with compassion

  • -practice clear seeing and clear knowing

    -cultivate resilience

    -develop greater trust in intuitive guidance and how to take action on it


Optional: 1:1 Private Coaching is available in addition to the group program.

When you enroll in Sage Femme, in addition to moving through this curriculum with the group, you’ll have the option to add on one-to-one coaching sessions with me to focus on your individual areas of growth. This will help you with receiving more customized accountability and support as well as provide a more private space to work through any internal resistance you may be feeling. We can determine if private sessions are right for you in your free Vision Call.


As a participant of 9-Month Mentorship Program Sage Femme you will receive:

  • 40 x 2-hour Live Online Group Sessions

  • Monthly Guided Meditation to help support integration on an embodied level

  • Access to a Private Members Only Mighty Networks Community Forum

  • Monthly Working Sessions to help integration of new skills for your business strategy, creative work and client concerns

  • All Class Recordings

  • Group Voxer (Instant Messenger) Live Coaching Support from Andrea + Group

  • Peer Accountability Calls


If you decide to add on 1:1 Coaching in addition to Sage Femme, you will receive:

  • 40 x 2-hour Live Online Group Sessions

  • Monthly Guided Meditation to help support integration on an embodied level

  • Access to a Private Members Only Mighty Networks Community Forum

  • Monthly Working Sessions to help integration of new skills for business strategy

  • All Class Recordings

  • Group Voxer (Instant Messenger) Live Coaching Support from Andrea + Group

  • Peer Accountability Calls

  • 1 x 1.5-hour Private Coaching Sessions per month (total of 9 sessions)


Apply Now

We begin February 3rd, 2022. Imagine starting next year knowing that you’ve organized the highest level of support and priority for yourself, your creative and healing work as well as your business.

To apply, click the link below to schedule your free Vision Call so that we can create a space for you to dive into all of your questions and concerns, see what might be still getting in the way of you actualizing your personal and professional goals, and reveal if Sage Femme can help you bring this deeper longing for your life’s work into full manifest form in 2022. If this is resonating for you let’s connect and determine if the program is a good fit for you at this time on your creative and spiritual path of professional development.

This is 100% complimentary call in which my intention is to offer you real strategic and compassionate support, so that you can clearly see what is needed next for you on your creative, healing and professional path. Whether you decide to join the program or not, my hope is that you receive an incredible amount of value and insight right away that can support you in your life, right now.


Anything is possible with the right kind of support.

It all starts with a Free Vision Call in which we will attune to what it is you truly long for, discover what may be standing in the way of you having more of that in your life, and highlight the areas of support you need the most right now.

In our call, we’ll answer three questions:

1) What isn’t working?
Whether it’s money and power (self-trust), healthy boundaries in relationships (self-love), or a sense of purpose and direction for your work in the world (self-expression), we will identify your most pressing challenges, the source of your current discomfort.

2) Where do you still feel stuck?
Resistance is a doorway into newfound territory of creativity and purpose. Wherever there is a limiting belief or old story it also serves to reveal what is possible for you. Let’s support you in seeing clearly what is needed for healing and integration.

3) What is possible for you?
Together we will create a step by step process for you to trust that there is a compassionate and clear way forward for you to honor your unique needs, in life, work, purpose and business while staying rooted in your truest desires.

If you feel inspired by what we discover and want to know more about how my coaching and healing work can support you, we will explore further whether or not working together is a right fit and which program would be best suited for your next steps. Together we will come up with a step by step process for support, so that you can trust that the program you choose is aligned for you.

After our call, I'll follow up with a proposal identifying the three main pillars of support that will guide you through the phases of personal and professional development we will be working on together to make sure our intentions are clear and aligned with what it is you want most to achieve. This proposal is customized for you and will serve as a roadmap for the work we will do together.

Whether we determine that working with me is the right next step for you or not, I offer these complimentary sessions from the deep seat of my heart and from the belief that you can create the transformation and healing you seek on any level of your life. 

I look forward to connecting with you.




How is the course delivered?

All private and group sessions will be delivered live online via Zoom. Additionally, you’ll have access to a private Voxer group for text support and our course portal on Mighty Networks where you can connect with others in the group and access the course materials.

I don’t know whether to add on private coaching or not. Help!

Don’t worry — one of the things we’ll determine in your Vision Call is whether or not adding private 1:1 coaching on to the group program is right for you at this time. My hope is that you will feel incredible clarity on what kind of support you need to move forward after our call.

What’s your refund policy if I don’t like it?

Courses are non-refundable. I’ve found that my best service to clients is achieved by nothing less than a full commitment. I offer the Free Vision Call to give you a clear experience of what it will be like to work together and receive support over the long term process, so that ultimately you feel confident in your commitment to create.

Can I speak to someone more about this?

Yes, the next step would be to book a Free Vision Call with Andrea. You can also contact Andrea directly if you have any questions you’d like to ask beforehand.