An Invitation Into the Heart of Mystery

A photo of a woman standing in a field, dressed in a flowing dress adorned with flowers, symbolizing harmony with nature, freedom, and the journey of self-discovery embraced within the healing coaching business

All my life I have been in love with the mystery.

I’ve always felt a deep desire to know the secrets to the universe. Why I am here, what’s inside of you, what’s inside of me.

To come to know the intimate details of creation and how we dance with the nature of reality.

It is not always easy to be in love with mystery. It means that you also become a devotee of uncertainty. A student of life who willingly chooses to learn through chaos, change, beauty, destruction, dissolution, rebirth, creation.

There is a longing for this you know in your cells. It never wavers. It does not temper or conform.

With practice, it simplifies and matures. Becoming more and more sophisticated. With more grace and ease.

I love the way this time of year welcomes us deep into the folds of mystery and self-discovery, magic, and healing. The new moon for me personally always evokes a time for ceremony to hold ourselves open for new potentials to be felt, seen, and nurtured. To commune with the spirit of what wants to come to be created through you.

During this retrograde time, I’ve been chanting mantra a lot more and loving the way sound is grounding me into my heart so clearly and effectively.

This time of year can bring feelings of overwhelm, restlessness, and anxiousness. In response to the time of year and the multiplicity of changes in the air, I will be hosting a New Moon Healing Circle for women to gather around the ritual of calling in the Goddess for support, healing, and remembrance.

The intention for our time together will be to offer you a meditation practice to help you feel grounded in the deep wisdom of your body and give you a practice of calling in the goddess for support and healing that you can take with you and let mature over this next moon cycle. We will be working with meditation, energy healing, intuition, and channeling guidance. A much needed sacred space for moving ourselves from our heads into our hearts.

If you are longing to connect with other women on a spiritual path and feel a deep call from within yourself to commune with ancient mystery teachings this class is for you.

I hope you will join us.

Sunday, October 31st from 1:00-2:30PM Eastern Time
Theme: Channeling, Mystery + Practice
Class Includes: Meditation, Energy Healing, Channeling + Guide Work

Click here to join my free community to participate in these New Moon gatherings and more.

Yours for loving the mystery,

P.S. Since many people have expressed to me that they can't make the live times for From Scarcity to Abundance, but still want to access the material, I've decided to keep enrollment open until the end of the course. Click here to learn more about the course and join us, whether live or just for the recordings.

“True magic is made in the heart, the magic of the desire nature to unite with the primal heart of God and, in the process of attaining that, we unfold, we become, we transform, we evolve. We are at the heart of the world. The greatest magic of which any of us are capable is the magic that “is directed to making a heart of heavenly origin beat within, to awaken (our) perception of the invisible.”

Normandi Ellis


Business as a Spiritual Practice.


The Four Spiritual Principles of Abundance (and how to work with them)