Entering the spiritual heart
Artwork by Marielle Salame
When you ask to sit inside the room of your heart you will see the world through different eyes.
The heart is a chamber like none other. It is a gateway that connects you to the cosmos, all of time, beyond time. The practice of heart connection requires your patience and listening. In heart connection you are asked to perceive the darkness and see a new light.
This new light that one sees when you look through the eyes of your heart is the light of truth. It brings to the conscious mind what is ready to be revealed.
The heart reveals soul teachings.
This level of knowing inside yourself is like perceiving many other worlds alongside this one, simultaneously. Some say it feels like a dream. Some who have difficulty touching in with their feelings have difficulty believing that this soul level exists for them. Some question whether they are ready to perceive the dreams they feel.
It is often that when one begins working at this level of the heart she may have doubts about what it is offering: a different life, a new way of being.
The spiritual heart is known as a great transformer. It is the powerful stillness at the center of all creation: life, death, rebirth. When one begins working with ones own heart one begins to see beyond the duality of right and wrong, and beyond space and time.
Every living creature has access to this form of understanding. Every living creature can access the language that has no words. This language speaks through the silence of the heart. It is a language of pure love and light. A healing language.
It is what we call interconnectedness and reminds us of our origin in togetherness.
Recognition of the Spiritual Heart can bring with it a fear of responsibility or unveil how we carry shame about ourselves. This is part of the process of softening that occurs. Resistance and pain will cycle through. And as we learn to cultivate our awareness and stay with what is arising we can see that the heart desires to offer us an unconditional and much more compassionate point of view of our life.
There is no special skill you need to acquire. All that you are is enough. All you need is the willingness to try, to feel, to begin, to trust, that your heart is already guiding you.
We all have the capability to touch into the wisdom of life. The universal heart. The divine mind. The network of intelligence. And at times it can feel like a radical reorientation to live from your heart. Living from your heart is what wholeness amidst transformation feels like. It is a vow. It is a fierce love. It is unwavering. It is a metamorphosis within and beyond time.
A precious seer of what is possible and what will be.