A soft place to land

This weekend we gathered together. Women from all over the world came together to listen, to learn, to connect, to share. ⁠

It was an intimate and heartfelt gathering.
Thank you to all who attended.⁠

It has been a time of great personal upheaval and collective change for all of us on so many levels. 

This summer solstice I remain touched by the courageous women who are standing tall in their true light casting a wide web of healing presence from within the sacred space of their own heart. ⁠

This weekend we spoke about living from the Heart. To be of service through our healing work and on purpose in the world from a place of love and devotion.⁠

Last year I committed to helping women build their businesses online. To support them as they faced the unknown and pivoted with great depth and meaning into the next level of their healing gifts and life's work. ⁠

This year the process has revealed so much more to me which I am honestly still integrating. There is so much more to do. To heal. To remember.

For many women on a spiritual path it isn't about making more money or having a sustainable business model, even though this is a huge part of the healing process for many women in recovering an essential, deep, felt sense of their own worthiness and belonging. For these women it is more about the purpose of the work. The level of integrity one has by being anchored in her heart. It is about creating purposeful work that matters to you and helps support the lives of others.

What I have noticed most in the women I support is that their true desire is for their business to reflect who they are being in the world: self-expressed, truthful, transparent, on purpose and authentic in life. ⁠

What we come to recognize together is that this process of self-realization through our professional work as healers, coaches, teachers, guides, artists, entrepreneurs is that it becomes about making the journey home to ourselves. To be truthful with the work we do. To enter ever more willingly into the deepest connection one has to one's own Heart.⁠

When we commit from our Heart our lives change and we become the catalysts for change in lives of others around us.⁠

Living true to your purpose is not about what you do, it is first about WHO YOU ARE.⁠ It is about recognizing how you are a unique and necessary part of the overarching purpose for greater individual healing and collective well-being.


Trust in yourself is everything.


Entering the spiritual heart