Let Life Change You

Andrea Maxine stands with bags in preparation for a big move, embodying resilience, adaptability, and the transformative journey guided by the healing coaching business

Never in a million years did I think my life would take me to a place called Evanston, Illinois.

Nor did I expect a global pandemic to ever happen in my lifetime, utterly transform my business and create the conditions that would bring me into the arms of my beloved. [*But that's a story for another time].

And, well that's exactly what happened.

So, when you start to feel the flow of your life support the rhythm of your soul: "Listen deep & Follow it!"

Life has a funny way of presenting us with choices, challenges and opportunities.

When we are going through a time of deep personal challenge in our life it's hard to see the blessings that are wrapped inside the struggle.

And yet, the exact kind of opportunities that will change the course of your life forever don’t come without their signature challenges. 

It is through these specific challenges that life hands to you that you will grow, change and evolve.

I believe it is a core human purpose to follow your dreams.

I believe that life gives us our dreams, so that we develop, grow, create and give through the pursuit of them.

The choices we make evolve who we become.

And who we become because of the choices we make holds the potential to give our lives and our world new meaning, direction and purpose.

"The world will only change as we change." - Mary Magdalen

It takes courage to follow your dreams.
It takes continuous leaps and bounds of faith to turn your dreams into your reality.

To have more of what you want requires patience and perseverance as you move through the course, grounded and committed, of what your soul has laid out for you.

To know this and be guided by this takes practice. It requires the capacity for deep inner listening and an ability to slow down so that you can remain present to the options being offered to you.

Some thing I have been giving a lot of thought to lately is how we can shift the course of our lives especially when the beliefs that hold us back are no longer true. It is entirely possible to do so. The question is: are we actually listening and will we choose to follow the guidance that is coming through?

Transforming your ideas and life purposes into your reality takes consistent work of supporting what is deeply true as you break down your own constructs of disbelief.

When we can support what we know to be true on a deep core level, while facing our own resistance to change, we have a chance to surrender the notions of certainty that hold us back as we lean into the vast potential our vulnerability offers us to steer our choices in the direction of what is fitting for who we are becoming..

It takes faith in ourselves, a deep self-honoring connection to our own inner knowing, and a great deal of perseverance to navigate change in a way that is in alignment with our soul.

Even when life brings you what you’ve always deeply longed for nothing is guaranteed. It doesn’t always come in the way you’ve expected it and it might actually look very different from what you imagined. What you pictured or demanded it should be might not actually exist or even be right for you.

But what is there will be a feeling.
And without a doubt you will know that this is life calling out to you to say "YES". 

This is how you know.

Because amidst all the surrounding "doubters" you will feel a resounding YES inside of you. You feel the pulse of what's true.

This resounding pulse of YES is the essence of the dream.

That urge you have inside of you that makes no sense at all and yet you have has always felt it as real for yourself as if it already exists in your life. That’s how you know you've found the way for what is true for you.

If the longing exists in you - it belongs to you.

It’s inside of you.
Like a heartbeat.

The voice of your soul beckons: "...over here, this way..."

Never absent.

This level of guidance is always available to you. Even when the moment is shrouded in doubt or darkness. Even if you’re not fully paying attention. Even if you don't feel worthy of it.

The pulse of the life that is yours is here for you.
It never stops. It never wavers.
It is unconditional.

This is how you know because the pulse of this life, your life, will never leave you.

It will always choose you. And you will feel chosen by it, regardless of how it fits (or doesn’t) into your current everyday reality.

The soul purposes of your life do not conform to what you think they should be. And this is the point. The soul is wild and unencumbered. Our limiting beliefs and even our personal wants transform in the wake of this truth.

When life feels out of balance and you feel out of sync with yourself, your deeper nature is signaling to you, through the life challenges you face, that there is something MUCH MORE HERE FOR YOU.

When your outer world comes undone. When what you’ve known to be true all your life falls apart there is a new inner reality coming through. A new version of yourself being birthed through you.

And just like birth its unpredictable and utterly transforming. You have no control over how or when or what the outcome will be.

And you can be in choice about how you respond.

Choice is available. The moment we become present to what IS we have the power to choose. How you hold yourself in your heart to receive yourself on the other side of this challenge is totally 100% up to you.

It is never given that you will get what you want, but you will always get what you need. 

What your soul has designed for you will grow you beyond what you expect, beyond what you think and at times even beyond what you thought you wanted.

When life signals change - will you move with the flow or resist it?

Will you let life change you beyond what you thought was possible, so that what is meant for you can come into your life?

When I traveled to India in 2010 everyone who had been there said: “…drop all of your expectations, surrender to the flow and let the wild unexpected uncertainty of India show you the way… surrender surrender surrender and say yes to what LIFE offers you…”

And this is exactly what I had to do.

As I let go all the way into the immediate experience, I released my ideas of what should’ve been and gave myself fully to the present moment.

I gave myself to Life and my Life opened me and gave me back my soul.

This teaching has never left me since.

When I think of the work I do to support women in their businesses, to support their soul purposes come alive in their life, I think of this work as the work we do to align life to the rhythm of your soul.

Your soul knows the way more than you think, can predict or control. The question is: - how far will you lean into the deep knowing of your soul to trust in who you are about to become?

Will you sit long enough inside the discomfort of not knowing to let your life reveal to you it’s gifts?
It is my wish for you that you will and receive beyond what you had imagined.

When life is changing course let it touch you, let it teach you, let it bring you the blessings of events that you never could’ve planned for or predicted.


You are the author of your life.
All that is yours is already within you.
You are enough. You are worthy of what you long for. As you are right now.

Listen for it.
Your inner knowing is there.

Give yourself permission to choose it.
Choose it with your whole heart.
Choose it Fully.

With Love,

P.S. On August 28th I will be hosting the first of four gatherings for the Inner Guidance Circle.

This first gathering will hold the space of the 1st CHAKRA & Principles of Self-Acceptance.

This Circle is for spiritually mature women who want a deeper understanding of how your inner guidance system works for you to evolve a life path that is in alignment with your soul.

This group process is for you if:

- you want to learn more about your intuitive and psychic abilities
- you want to learn self-healing or healing through your akashic (soul) records
- you are ready to strengthen your intuition, channeling abilities and creative purpose
- you would like to learn how you can interpret specific guidance for your life 
- you are at a significant crossroads in life and feel "really" stuck 
- you are seeking compassionate insights, guidance & direction for your life 
- you are ready to sharpen your intuitive abilities and learn to work with the Chakra system
- you want to deepen your skills as an intuitive healer & spiritual guide for others

12-1:30PM EST
Exchange $111.


Walking Between Worlds


Allowing for Support