Walking Between Worlds
Artist: Unknown
I’ve always felt myself to be a walker between worlds.
As if there were this timeless impression of the all that is running in the background of my every day waking life.
Reality is fascinating that way. Multiple timelines running through this one very precious moment. Our body, a storehouse of memory throughout time.
I remember when I was young and throughout my teenage years having fantastic dreams. I would wake and have access to every little detail and write them down in the morning. As if I lived a double life.
I would often rush with excitement to share these stories with my Mom. She would always remark: “I don’t know where you get this from Andrea. Keep writing.”
I feel incredibly grateful for her encouragement and always welcoming my creative mind to share, open and express. It was as if a whole new world of possibility came alive in me as I shared with her.
It took many years for me to gain the confidence to share my writing and openly speak about my intuitive healing work.
This other-world of magic and dream, creativity and mystery, prayer and reverence, always felt so utterly private to me. As if it didn’t belong out in the open.
What has become so evident in my work with healers and artists is an urgent need to support this very fragile juncture between the seen and unseen realms where the power of imagination swells. Nurturing creative innocence is deeply healing and actively bringing our healing gifts into the light requires compassionate encouragement.
A walker between worlds is an Edgewalker. This person has the ability to build bridges across different perspectives, timelines and aspects of reality. Integrating the world of matter and spirit as well as brining spiritual practices and practical skills powerfully into the world.
This is what I see is the soul responsibility many artists and healers feel about bringing their work forward into the world today.
To tend to the seeds of inspiration and allow for sensitivity, an open heart (empathy) and self-awareness to guide our collective need for renewed direction in a spiritually and emotionally challenged world.
Wednesday, December 21st at 2 PM EST I will be hosting a group journey CREATE YOUR VISION OF BEAUTY FOR 2023.
This gathering is free to join and open for all.
During this live online class we will:
Create an intentional space of meditative reflection on how this year 2022 shaped you and changed you.
Lay to rest old patterns and promises, let go of what you’ve outgrown, and practice unwinding from stuck energies like disappointment and resentment.
Honor your vision for 2023, so that you can set a powerful intention that is aligned with what you value and desire.
Together we will help you clarify what kind of support you will need to follow through on your intention and identify your unique needs as a healer and creative to authentically develop your work so that you can grow into the deeper purposes for your life, work and relationships.
You are the bridge to your wildest creations, greatest successes, fulfillment, and joy.
Let us journey together to support your vision of beauty.
I hope you will join us!
With Love,