Belong to the Truth of Who You Are

The foundation of the Vedic teachings on abundance begins with awareness. 

A basic awareness of the good and plenty in life. 

It begins with trusting a new level of awareness within yourself and knowing how to connect to the deeper fabric of your life. 

When you become aware and connected to the deeper fabric of life, your creative efforts are supported and aligned.

Where do you place your faith in life? 

Where do you invest your energy and time? 

Can you notice patterns of lack and how they are associated with mistrust?

I recently heard a talk about trusting the basic goodness in life by Tara Brach. She said: “Faith is knowing where you place your heart. Trust is honoring the longing to belong to the truth of oneself.”

I would say that this is a pretty accurate summation of the aspects needed to access a foundational level of embodied abundance.

Knowing how to bring your heart into all that you do without grasping to outcomes and trusting in your capacity to honor the truth of who you are.

It has been incredibly nourishing for me to revisit these teachings and share them with a group of like-minded people.

Thank you to all who joined us for the six week journey through the landscape of abundance.

If you’ve missed the first two classes of Thriving through hard times, but are still interested in joining - there is still room and we would love to welcome you!

If you are unable to make the live zoom sessions on Thursdays at 4 PM central, you can still receive the practices via recordings. Just reply directly to this email and I will give you the details about how to join.

If you are ready to unlock the potential for greater abundance in your life and work - let’s connect!

I have a few different options available for continued study, one to one coaching, and mentorship coming up in the fall. If you are interested in learning more please send me a message.

I look forward to meeting you and connecting soon!

Many blessings,

Andrea Maxine

P.S. Are you a visionary healer ready to step into your full power? Are you on the cusp of a new body of work ready to pivot the direction of your business?

Then the upcoming Medicine Woman Mentorship is for you.

This transformative program is not just another training; it's a journey to synthesize all you have cultivated into a comprehensive body of work to streamline and grow your business with greater fulfillment and spiritual alignment.

Click here to get on the early bird list and learn more about the Medicine Woman Mentorship Program - Next Cohort starts in October 2024!


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Healing Scarcity