Reimagine Success

I used to think that my level of success depended upon how hard I worked in my business. ⁠

This led to a feeling that I alone was responsible for making success happen.⁠

I can imagine many honest, hard-working, driven people share this belief.⁠

We take it ALL on ourselves.
We know how important self-responsibility is to creating success consistently. ⁠
We have the drive, discipline, and focus to make it happen.⁠

But somewhere along the way we can find ourselves out of balance with that drive. ⁠

Working so hard to attain what we “think" the next level of success is, that we lose perspective. We disconnect from ourselves, our purpose, and others. ⁠

And the treadmill we are on becomes the only thing in sight. ⁠

There is no shorter path to burn out than overly identifying your worth with how hard you work. ⁠

Producing excellent work doesn’t rely on endlessly working till perfection. ⁠

Trying to get it done all on your own will eventually exhaust your reserves in a way that limits your capacity for real connection and strategic growth. ⁠

In creative entrepreneurial culture it is common to compare working hard, accolades, and fame with success. But, what is it costing us to think this way about success? ⁠

What if your next level of success improved your quality of life?

What if the work you love to do paid you more than you thought possible? ⁠

What if to honor your calling meant stabilizing your financial position and expanding your joy?⁠

Would you pursue a different path?⁠

It’s true that pursuing your purpose led path will reveal the competing commitments you have about building a business. ⁠This is part of the creative tension we find along the way. ⁠

It will naturally challenge you to learn discipline and discernment. It will ask you to look at what informs your decision making. It may even reveal inherited beliefs about money and success that you were previously unaware of that are now informing how you move forward.⁠

Leading from purpose in business comes down to very simple questions that are constantly evolving as we grow, pivot, and expand.⁠

Are you ready to redefine success on your own terms—one that honors your purpose, enhances your quality of life, and allows you to thrive both personally and professionally? ⁠

It's time to step off the endless treadmill and reconnect with what truly matters to you.⁠

Yours for the journey,

Andrea Maxine

P.S. Do you often wonder if you would be more satisfied with your business if you felt more connected, energized, and aligned with your work? Are you feeling torn between your desire for financial growth and your need for more personal time and space? Are you searching for a way to build a sustainable business that supports your financial goals and your personal well-being?

If you found yourself nodding "yes" to these questions, you’re not alone. It’s time to explore a new path that brings balance, fulfillment, and the financial return you desire.

The Medicine Woman Mentorship is designed to guide and support you through this journey.

Let’s help you reinvent your business so that it aligns with your unique vision and supports - not just your work, but the things that matter most to you in your life.

Imagine a life/work balance that not only increases your income but also honors your need for freedom, connection, and joy. Let’s find a way forward for you that truly meets your needs and aspirations for the future.

Are you ready to create a business that feels like it’s just the right fit for you? Your next level of success is waiting.

Click here to request an application


The Turning Point


Belong to the Truth of Who You Are