Healing Scarcity

Wealth is having time and loving more deeply than before.

It’s about learning how to trust, how to feel safe, and how to receive. It’s not just about money. It’s about living true to your purpose.

Abundance is a state of mind, a state of being, that starts with gratitude.

Truly appreciating what you have now and inviting the substance of your life to grow into greater positives.

Healing scarcity begins with an examination of where you feel lack in your life and relationships. It’s about exploring where you feel undeserving and unworthy.

It’s about noticing your attachments to what you don’t have and examining your attitude towards what is plentiful in your life.

There is a superficial assumption that abundance is related to money only, but it is much more vast than finances. 

At its root, the practice of abundance is an expansion of your capacity to receive.

To feel a genuine sense of generosity, love, and appreciation for what life IS giving you. Right now, in this moment. Moment to moment.

Abundance is an awareness practice. 

The practice of abundance often requires a radical shift in how you see yourself and how you feel belonging within your most cherished relationships.

Abundance opens you to questions and asks you to look at how well you feel nourished and supported by the positives in your life. 

As your orientation towards abundance shifts, your alignment with the positives in your life strengthens. An abundance practice will ask you to deepen self-awareness and acceptance of what IS. It will require you to release your attachment (or addictions) to negative patterns in your life and relationships.

Scarcity hides within the status quo of our culture and at times it can be difficult to detect. A scarcity mindset isn’t wrong, and there is no one to blame, but it will reveal dynamics in your life that are no longer beneficial for the long run.

Loss will teach you lessons in abundance.

Some people have a life path designed to experience loss and delay of fulfillment, so that life wakes them up to what is truly important.

What I find helpful is noticing where you may be judging lack or scarcity as a negative, and instead, use the experience to learn what may be the feeling binding you to a pattern of being under resourced.

Some questions that may help guide you to awareness:

How do you feel when you envision an abundant life for yourself?

Does it feel within reach?

What are the emotions that arise when you don’t “get” what you want or have what you need? 

Where do you experience attachment in your life and have the hardest time letting go into trust?

When you feel into scarcity what is the true need underneath that is not being met? 

If you pause for a moment, and remember your childhood, how did it feel to be provided for? Were you seen in your deepest needs for care? Were your needs easily met?

Feel into your deeper needs now, how easy or difficult is it for you to give yourself what you need? 

How well resourced do you feel in life when it comes to connection and love?

How easy is it for you to let go of where you are stuck on perceiving lack in your life? 

An abundance practice is powerful and revealing. It will invite areas that have been hurt, neglected, or judged by others to surface.

As you begin to see lack and scarcity as a result of a pattern, and begin to heal the wound underneath, you will find opportunities for personal cultivation. You will witness an entirely new aspect of your inner strength emerge and more readily identify with the positives in your life.

You can heal your money story. 

You can restore a deep sense of belonging and worthiness.

You can have an entirely new experiences of abundance in life and with much more love, joy, and trust when it comes to financial prosperity. 

The answer is not out there somewhere. 

The remedy begins with you and the relationship you have with yourself.

Much of the healing work around wealth, abundance, money, and receiving have their roots in how safe you feel, how your needs were met as a child, and how you feel cared for today. 

Belonging to yourself and learning how to love yourself is foundational.

As you learn to accept yourself, and the realities of the challenges you face today, you can begin to open the receptive channels of self-awareness and allow for more support and abundance to flow towards you.

How you love the parts of yourself that we’re not adequately met by your primary caregivers and loved ones matters. How easily you can come back into relationship with yourself matters.

Much of this journey takes uncovering the aspects of yourself that have needs, fulfilling those needs, and feeling what a true sense of belonging feels like from within.


Belong to the Truth of Who You Are


Finding Sacred Ground