How Desire Shapes You

Desert hills bask in the glow of a setting sun, casting warm hues across the landscape, symbolizing the journey of introspection, resilience, and renewal embraced within the healing coaching business

It feels like a shift in the air around you when you realize the direction of your life has altered course.

When the longing for your life has outgrown itself and moved way beyond your comfort zone.

And though this change is subtle and almost imperceptible to others, the shift inwardly is swift and stark.

A recognition, from within, that everything IS changing.

And you very quietly realize that the way things are now cannot continue as they are, and even more, that there isn’t yet a clearly defined path forward for this new desire in you to take shape.

One of the most revealing moments along my own healing journey was the moment I recognized I was, in part, creating my own suffering by refusing to honor the flow of change in my life.

When the circumstances of your life are forcing you to relinquish control, you are being invited to learn the practice of surrender.

And to discover that you have a great capacity to heal and transform your life beyond any expectations you may hold onto right now.

What is needed here is a great deal of compassion and a willingness to let go of what you thought was supposed to happen, so as to come into relationship with what actually is.

This is usually the hardest part.

Be gentle and honest with yourself about what is no longer working and tend to the true (more vulnerable) needs you have underneath the surface with care. 

Sometimes we stay too long in a job that is unfulfilling or remain bound to patterns of unhealthy relationships, unable to see a clear way out. Only to find we are caught in a vicious cycle on repeat.

No matter how much we try to do the “right” thing, the current dilemma never resolves, the pieces don’t add up to what we quite need it to be or want it to become. 

There is here then, at the heart of this, a basic need to heal. A call to action for a new and different perspective.

A beckoning to forgive.

An invitation to consider, with depth and meaning, how to respond with care to the urgency of change in our life. With intention and attention. 

Embracing our vulnerability also means taking a stand for what we value and believe in. It also gives us the capacity to be deeply self-honoring.

To become available and aware for desire to take shape from within. 

Internal - External events are not accidental mirrors. What we experience outwardly in the world presents us with opportunities for change inwardly… reflection, listening, tending and learning.

To actually shift from the inside out. With awareness about who we are becoming. 

To discover what may still be hidden. To move towards what is unknown. To revive true intimacy in relationships. To heed the wisdom of your capacity for connection. 

To offer vital and loving contributions.

There is a point somewhere along the way when you recognize that the most essential part of yourself cannot thrive in hiding.

It is perhaps the moment you have been seeking all along: to feel a deep sense of self-trust knowing you belong here and your unique presence is required, appreciated and so deeply loved. Beyond anything you might have imagined or known before. 

From true desire a healthy sense of belonging can arise. From willingness the contour of who you are here to become emerges.

Are you longing for a soulful reconnection with the inner landscape of your spiritual and creative calling in life?

Are you ready for change to take shape from within you?

Click HERE to inquire about the upcoming spring offerings for group and individual coaching.

In Support of You.

With Love,


From Worthiness to Willingness


The Promise of Change