From Worthiness to Willingness

A landscape painting by artist Vinna Begin, capturing the serene beauty of nature and evoking feelings of tranquility, growth, and introspection synonymous with the healing coaching journey

Artist: Vinna Begin

Healing our wounds around money is a tender process.

What I find in my coaching practice is that women have a natural mistrust of money and the way business is done and what is needed is a new model entirely.

I believe the origin of this new model lives in the hearts of those who want to do their healing and creative work with a deep sense of spiritual purpose in the world.

Mistrust of money brings up questions around how safe and supported we feel in being here. In a body. On the earth. In relationship to others.

Mistrust of money is often rooted in a place within the self that has experienced lack in getting needs met with care and has a hard time feeling genuine support. From within. From others.

Healing the area of money in our life is a process of reconnection with our needs and welcoming yourself home to more support, love and self-trust.

What I have found is that our blocks around money are often not about money at all but how we feel supported, cared for and loved.

Beginning on May 3rd I will be offering a two month group process that will focus on healing the area of money in your life, especially when it comes to honoring the value of your work in the world.

It’s called: From Worthiness to Willingness: A Coaching Program for Women on a Spiritual Path

My intention for bringing this group together is to help bring more compassionate awareness around the blocks you may feel around money and business and offer foundational tools for an aligned business structure that will support you.

This group process is definitely for you if:

  • You struggle to know how to connect with the right kinds of clients for you

  • You feel challenged by having to market your services on your own

  • You continually compromise on pricing, undercharge and discount

  • You know your work has incredible value but have difficulty speaking about it with prospective clients in a way that builds healthy and authentic relationships

  • You want to be respected and valued for your work and know there is some tender healing around self-worth for you

  • You want to learn how to successfully enroll more clients with ease to build your clientele and business in a way that feels authentic and true for you

If you'd like to learn more about the upcoming group please contact me HERE.

We begin May 3rd and will close on the summer solstice June 21st, 2022.

If this is resonating with you, I hope you will consider joining us for the journey.

In Love, 

P.S.  Click HERE to book a free call with Andrea to find out more about how the next upcoming group coaching program can support you in healing the area of money in your life and provide you with a new perspective on how to support the continued development of your creative and healing work in a way that is deeply self-honoring.


Clarity of Purpose


How Desire Shapes You