The Promise of Change
Artist Aphra Natley
Every year in spring I feel the restless thaw of winter turn itself inside out and come alive.
Life is changing. The world is changing.
Change is life.
Life is change.
Healing is change.
Change the only constant in our lives, essentially.
Change can welcome possibility or incite greater fear of the unknown.
Change can promise equilibrium or destabilize. Change is the effect of life‘s gifts and challenges. Change begins the cycle of healing, reflection and creativity.
Anything is possible, and any moment from now, you will change.
Breath by breath, you will witness this change, and it will ask of you: “What do you love, what do you trust, what do you long for?”
The nature of change is not a question we can approach with our minds only. We must first learn how to feel its stirrings beneath our feet. We must learn how change affects us. We must learn how to Be again.
I believe that the change we outwardly proclaim we want begins with a return inwardly. A journey home in towards the Self.
It begins with a discovery of our innate and powerful presence. A recognition of awareness through the physicality of our being here.
It begins with choosing presence first.
It begins with the question: “From now, in this moment, who am I? What do I feel? What do I long for?”
The change we seek does not begin with an idea, it begins with a feeling.
A spark. A seed of awareness from within. This seed of awareness guides and trains us to understand a language of meaning. A language of the embodied heart.
You cannot do presence. You cannot give compassion. You can only BE present and HAVE compassion.
The change we seek comes from our capacity to cultivate a deeper level of presence on the embodied level. The only place it can be found. That place from within you that is here and now, aware and caring, open and available.
In times like these it may seem obvious that a state of presence would be necessary to cultivate the resiliency we need to address the daunting questions we face, but what does being present actually mean in our everyday lives?
How does having presence and continued commitment actually shift our experience of life into one of greater autonomy and self-agency? What does this inner capacity for self-awareness, self-direction and interdependence mean for our relationships, families, businesses and communities? How does this heal and transform our shared collective experience?
What is this new level of conscious awareness about when it comes to meeting the demands of our every day - today?
What is happening outwardly, from a holistic point of view, is a reflection of what is needed on the inside.
If there is conflict outwardly, where are we holding conflict within ourselves?
If there is paranoia or blame, where do we hold fear in our heart?
There is another choice available when we choose presence first.
To meet life with our whole being, …open, available, caring.
This level of presence is the demand we see today and the response that we need to cultivate.
In a world that feels as if it is changing beyond “our control”, how can we take back and reclaim the power of our own presence for the sake of creating new opportunities, offering better solutions and having real impact on others and the world around us.
The future of what we create is only as strong as the level of commitment we have here and now. It is only as clear, and beloved, as we make it here and in the now. It is only as powerful and changeful as we choose to BE in the here and now.
I believe we are capable of change on a more conscious level. I believe that the seed of conscious change begins with who we are Being first. I believe that this seed for conscious change is in the level of presence and compassion we embody first.
Our work is to remember that our healing and empowerment is rooted in the wisdom of the body.
From the body I can feel myself, the earth and you.
From the body I can be in the place of relationship where human connection is born.
From the body I can know, touch, heal, create, dream, integrate and reform.
Let Us Be the Change We Seek.
In Love,
P.S. Are you a deeply spiritual, highly creative woman seeking support for the development of your healing work and growth of your business? Click HERE to find out more about the next upcoming group coaching program starting in May 2022.