Reading for the Full Moon
Azzura Galatolo
Let this full moon glow fill you up.
You have been giving a lot.
Now it is time for you to renew and refuel.
Emotionally, energetically, spiritually, and physically.
The request for you comes from your innermost self. The one who knows and sees you best. Beyond all knowing.
Spend some time today with yourself, and carve out spaces for reflection, journaling, and personal inquiry. Let your body talk to you.
Create the kind of spaces that allow you to just be quiet and introspective.
Contrary to what the full moon energy might suggest, bright, outgoing, extroverted, culmination, expressive, this particular moon is offering perspectives into how you hold yourself within relationships. How you regard yourself and your needs for independence while also letting go of old patterns of codependency for greater harmony.
If it feels right for you to do so pick one relationship that for you has been having some difficulty. This can be a relationship to yourself, a loved one, your partner, or even your creative work and clients.
Notice the impact this disharmony is having on you. Where do you feel depleted or overwhelmed as as a result of trying to do it all?
Notice within yourself the part of you that feels responsible for others. Can you assess what is yours to tend to and gently offer the rest to whom it belongs?
All is not yours to decide and caretaking others will not bring about greater balance, reciprocity of love, or peace.
Each individual is responsible for their own inner state.
We may choose to help by being direct and honest about where boundaries are lacking or confused.
For now take stock of where you feel out of balance, or without integrity, in your relationships. This will point to where you need to take back the parts of yourself that are trying to hard to make it right.
Let go of the need or fixation on giving and practice receiving your own truths instead.
Once you’ve stabilized your own energy, you can move back into conversation and negotiations will much smoother.
A Healing Treatment for the Full Moon.
To help strengthen strong healthy bonds within yourself and to offset negative energies that deplete you.
Take a comfortable seat.
Allow your body to relax into the breath.
Pause and acknowledge yourself for this time. This practice.
Noticed if you are leaning forward or backward in your seat.
Find your centerline along your spine and begin to bring your body into alignment with your center.
Notice how this brings your field into fullness.
Feel this wellness flow. Expand and can contraction as you breathe.
Give yourself time here to feel your own fullness.
Connect with the one within yourself. Feel your wholeness.
Allow this fullness, your fullness, to be the primary frequency you feel.
Let this fullness, your fullness, naturally release, any negative energies or attachments that are impacting your own, feeling of goodness ease and completeness within yourself.
Simply stay with yourself. Practice coming back to present moment awareness with your breath.
If it helps you to focus, imagine yourself as a radiant with your own light like the moon.
Notice how this naturally occurring inner light helps you to release unhelpful connections or negative bonding with others that is not benefiting you. It is OK if this is unhelpful bonds with those that you love. Make peace to release toxic bonds.
Know that there is room for repair and reconnection, once you’ve reestablish coherency for yourself in your own field.
Keep coming back to yourself. Releasing ties with unhelpful less than optimal bonds with others.
See the patterns that are no longer, no longer serve either party in the relationship.
Let go. Into the spaciousness you have created for yourself.
Let this be enough.
To bring this meditation and self healing practice to a close acknowledge yourself with kindness and gratitude. Acknowledge anyone or anything else you are grateful for.
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