Embracing Chaos to Find Clarity
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Embracing Chaos to Find Clarity

When everything comes apart at the seams and nothing feels like it’s working....

I usually ask the question:

What’s here that we may not be seeing?

What’s here that we may not be registering as guidance?

What’s here that may be hidden in the shadows of our own doubts and reservations?

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Moving through Friction
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Moving through Friction

It can be so hard to hold your ground, your truth, in the face of relationships.

Relationships naturally challenge you.

Many of our most promising moments are difficult ones.

These moments reveal to us the dynamics that have been with us since childhood.

It is a gift when you can see that the patterns showing up for you now are exactly what is needed to help you heal your past and allow for a new and different future.

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Healing Our Relationships

Healing Our Relationships

Being in conscious relationship means being aware of how power dynamics work between people.

If you feel challenged in your personal relationships, you might also notice that you face similar patterns in your client and work relationships.

One is often a reflection of the other.

Offering you a dynamic to pay attention to.

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Finding Stillness
Healing, Spirituality, Meditation Andrea Frade Healing, Spirituality, Meditation Andrea Frade

Finding Stillness

Everything arises out of stillness .⁠ Within stillness is the origin of everything.⁠ The universe is stirred out of stillness.⁠ Yet so many of us either avoid or feel deprived of stillness,⁠ the ultimate elixir that nourishes⁠.⁠ Contemplate for a moment ⁠what stillness could bring you in your life?⁠

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Enter the Mystery
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Enter the Mystery

When you sit inside the room of your heart you will see the world through different eyes.

Connecting to your spiritual heart requires your patience, sensitivity and listening.

In heart connection you are given permission to perceive into the unknown and see a new possibility.

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Love Is a Heavy Weight
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Love Is a Heavy Weight

When what you’ve tried before isn’t resulting in the change you seek to create this is when you know a whole new way of being is asking you to let go of the old ways.

Not all is meant to come with you in this next phase of the journey.

Are you at a crossroads wondering what is the next step in my life?

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 Unburden Yourself
Self-Love, Self-Trust, Healing Andrea Frade Self-Love, Self-Trust, Healing Andrea Frade

Unburden Yourself

Welcoming ourselves into the unknown isn’t easy. As human beings we are never as good at the letting go part as we’d like to be.

Letting go on a deeper level requires surrendering the need for control and trusting yourself in the unknown. It is a necessary part of the rebirthing process that leads to long term embodied change.

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The All Too Tender Human Experience
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

The All Too Tender Human Experience

When everything you have known before has faded into the backdrop of your past and you know deep down within your soul your life is asking something more of you.

You approach the chaos and promise of a new beginning. Yet again, finding yourself, at a tender, new and vital crossroads of self-inquiry.

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Clarity of Purpose
Spirituality, Entrepreneurship Andrea Frade Spirituality, Entrepreneurship Andrea Frade

Clarity of Purpose

Every longing, every question, every desire will be fulfilled through you.

You are the key that gives rise to your own awakening.

From this still space within you is the access to your own healing and deepest truths. Wholehearted and embodied. 

Clarity of purpose arises out of knowing who you are.

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Enough Is Enough
Healing Andrea Frade Healing Andrea Frade

Enough Is Enough

In times of increased complexity it’s important to remember our lives contain a paradox.

On the one hand we are deeply interconnected with all living things on the planet.

On the other hand we are each distinct beings who contain the whole within us.

Everything in nature provides a purpose.

Everything in nature has a remedy.

Everything in nature is in relationship.

We are no different than nature.

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