Begin Again

A nature-themed painting by artist Dorota Sroka, capturing the serene beauty and harmony of the natural world, evoking feelings of peace, growth, and connection synonymous with the healing coaching journey

Artist: Dorota Sroka

With every new moon there is an invitation to begin again.

Every new beginning comes with it an albeit quieter release of something you have already outgrown.

Cycles of birth, death and rebirth do not always afford us the comfort of our preferences.

And it is through bringing our consciousness to the discomfort of disappointment whereby we come to learn about who we are in the process of letting go.

This is not meant to minimize the pain we feel as we move through phases of abrupt change. Only instead to willfully acknowledge that the loss we endured actually gave us something new.

Loss gives to us as much as gain does. Except loss forces us to look at what it is we need on a deeper level.

New moon’s cycle can bring up questions around what is being fostered beneath the surface. You may already feel the next phase of growth begin with a deep release of something old opening a pathway within you.

I love the time of the New Moon. I feel it invite me into the deeper recesses of what wants to be birthed through me. Powerful. Clarifying. Dark. Potentiating. Fecund. Moon. This time heralds a letting go of patterns you have finished with and presents you with a fertile opening to nurture & create by planting seeds of conscious intention and desire.

For you who is seeking support and guidance for what you long to create most in life, work and relationships this week is the last call to join From Guidance Within 2022.

From Guidance Within is an in-depth healing process and coaching program designed to support women on a spiritual path align with their soul calling to develop their signature creative vision for their professional work in the world.

This healing process focuses on bringing compassion and care to patterns of unworthiness that can accompany our deepest desires for the life, work and relationships we long for. As we each live more true to ourselves from a place of deep connection, authenticity and self-trust, the more we will encourage a healed collective whole.

If you would like to explore further to discuss whether From Guidance Within is a good fit for you please email:

Registration closes soon.

The group begins February 3rd, 2022.

It would be a pleasure to have you join us!

Much Love,



A Dark Night


Your Innate Worthiness Is Unique to You