Your Innate Worthiness Is Unique to You
Image: via Cherry Deck
What does intuition have to do with business?
- Everything.
Women often share with me that they separate their intuition from the process of developing, structuring and pricing their business.
There is this sneaky, collective, unconscious belief that business is linear, facts and figures, transactional only and nothing more.
I wholeheartedly disagree.
For years, as I was growing my private healing and coaching practice, I struggled to see how my deep sense of spiritual purpose could merge with my everyday personal, professional, financial and business needs. On the inside I knew I was doing the work I was here to do. On the outside I could see no model for how I wanted to do business.
I was often told by others to have more of a business-minded approach. The problem was I had no genuine feeling for what “business-minded” meant to me.
What was at the heart of everything for me was the level of integrity with which I pursued my professional work, the quality of my client relationships, and my ability to remain crystal clear and grounded in my intuition.
I was “told” that in order to be successful I had to look at my business in a certain way that often felt like it had nothing to do with who I was.
This disembodied approach left me feeling utterly discouraged and was never really going to move my business forward because I fundamentally resisted looking at my business in a way I could not relate to.
I was searching for something organic, compassionate, intuitive, creative, authentic and intelligent.
My work is rooted in a deep spiritual purpose, so in order to expand I needed to create a grounded approach that aligned with my core values, supported my creative expression and represented the work I offer authentically.
As a highly creative, deeply purpose driven person this inner to outer alignment was non-negotiable.
In order to create this I needed to dig deep within myself to see the value of my work. I needed to understand how my spiritual purpose, unique skills and expertise, and business model could contribute to a collective need I felt inspired to serve. I needed to do this in ways that were rooted in my heart. Truthful, transparent, empowering, clear and self-directed.
Over the last few years I have understood that the women who come to work with me have a similar healing path to my own. These women are visionary healers and exceptional leaders who struggle most with valuing (seeing) their own unique and powerful gifts.
When we go the extra layer deeper we often find the moments when we were shamed or blamed for our sensitivity. We find that we were conditioned to hide our uniqueness, silence our intuition, and disregard how we superbly experience the world.
Your unique intuitive self was born to create, share, develop, teach and offer your gifts in a way only you know how to do. There is no business model out there that can validate this for you. You have to see the value for yourself first.
The most exquisite thing about you is your uniqueness. In every beautiful, powerful way. Knowing the value of this is one of your most powerful assets in business.
As a culture we greatly (and to our own detriment) undervalue (and misunderstand) intuition. Your level of inner knowing, personal integrity and the clarity with which you pursue your inner/outer work is foundational to, not only a thriving business, but also building towards a healed collective whole.
I am so proud of the women who are taking on this next level of personal discovery and collective healing around wounds of “worthiness”. They are standing in a new found value of transformational healing, learning, caring, creating and giving for us all.
Your worth is inherent to you. There is no question about it.
The way you understand, appreciate and direct your time, energy and attention will reflect itself in the efficacy of the structures that support the growth of your business.
The level of personal awareness, integrity and confidence you have around the value of your work will reflect in the clarity of your client offers and knowing how to price them accordingly.
Wherever responsibility is forfeited power is given away.
When we slow down and come back to ourselves, we can remember the power of knowing who we are and clarify how our work supports others. Knowing the deeper value of your work is how you offer with integrity what is of great value to others.
If women want to shift the way resources are shared, move our collective attention and energy towards more life affirming soul-giving principles, we must first work inwardly to evaluate the ways we hold ourselves back from standing in our truth and sharing our unique vibrant healing presence.
We must prioritize ourselves and value who we are first. Fully and unapologetically. Giving presence and compassion to what needs tending to, so that we can give back with a full cup.
On Thursday January 27th at 1:00PM Eastern Time I will be hosting my last free Live & Interactive Workshop of the year…
From Five to Six Figures: What You Need to Know to Grow Your Business with Alignment, Integrity and more Joy!
It's free to join and open to all!
To Register Click HERE
I hope you will join us!
Remember, wherever you feel most challenged is the place that will grow you the most. What would be different for you if you lived and loved from your innate worthiness? What would change? What could heal? What becomes possible?
You are not alone.
You are beloved.
You are supported beyond measure.
In Love,
P.S. Registration Closes Soon for From Guidance Within 2022. There are 2 spots left and the group starts February 3rd. If you would like to explore this opportunity I'm offering a free one hour Vision Call where we will dive into your creative vision for 2022 and discuss whether From Guidance Within is a good fit for you.
Book your 1:1 Vision Call Here