The Four Spiritual Principles of Abundance (and how to work with them)

The four spiritual principles of abundance and how to work with them. Honor your body. Honor your uniqueness. Honot your purpose, Honor co-creation.

Thank you to all who showed up for the free Q & A this past Sunday on The Four Spiritual Principles of Abundance (and how to work with them). I love creating sacred space together, hearing from you and experiencing the abundance of this community.

For those of you who couldn’t make it, I still want you to have the four keys to start to notice and apply the Four Spiritual Principles of Abundance in your life:

Spiritual Principle #1: Honor Your Body

Your body is your personal 24/7 oracle, who holds the answers to every question you’ll ever ask. To explore its full potential, you need to check in with it often and in multiple ways. The most accessible way is to simply close your eyes and listen in, scan your body, and notice how your body is feeling. Ask what it needs, then do what you can to fulfill those requests. 

There are more in-depth practices you can do (that we will explore in my new course) by activating your intuition to receive messages directly from your body through sensation and feeling. Your body will always give you a signal when something needs an adjustment in your life, and the more attentive you are to your body’s needs, the more you’ll experience a softening into compassion as the foundation to abundance in your life. 

Spiritual Principle #2: Honor Your Uniqueness

What makes you unique is your superpower. Your soul essence. Have you ever really noticed how you are different from other people? The way you are unique is your creative power source. There’s no substitute for the YOU-ness that you are. In work, in life, in relationships. No matter how fancy your website or how niched your sales page is, the most important, vital, irreplaceable, and abundant power source IS YOU. You are the one the world needs in the unique way only YOU can be.

Think of all the musicians, the writers, the comedians, the performers who color our lives by being unapologetically THEM as they can. You have the same capacity to inspire and transform the world around you with your exquisite you-ness. When you cultivate a deeper appreciation of your own qualities (aka. self-love), you are more in touch with yourself, you have a bolder way to express who you are and a confidence to share your gifts with others. By doing so, you attract relationships and opportunities that align with who you are and who you have come here to be. The most intimate knowing of yourself will yield the most magnificent gifts expressed.

Spiritual Principle #3: Honor Your Purpose

Your purpose is your reason for being. The reason you are here on this Earth. It is the whisper in your heart that you can’t ignore. It is your deepest longing to be self-realized. Even if you are not sure exactly how to take action on your purpose in life right now, you probably feel the depth of it within yourself and sense what it is. It is the place in you that holds what is most precious and true about you. Honoring your purpose is a journey home to yourself.

Clients often come to me on a search for something: wondering what their purpose in life is, how to figure it out, how to honor it and carry it forward into their life once they know what it is. And what’s true is that they’ve had it all along. Your purpose has been guiding you this whole time. It is not a destination out there. It is a journey back home inside yourself, right here and now. It is simply remembering who you are then embodying that. Fulfilling your purpose with utmost joy is the most powerful and direct route to experiencing greater abundance in your life and returning the blessing through our relationships with others.

Spiritual Principle #4: Honor Co-Creation

Everything is help. There is not one aspect of your life that is not ultimately working in favor of you knowing what your highest good is and what your greatest fulfillment will be. When you show up for your life with reverence, you show up for yourself wholeheartedly.

In this space of heart-centered action, you are met with support that is unconditionally divine. Trust is everything. For every hour you spend tending your self, your relationships, your purpose, the divine puts in more than you will ever know. It is immeasurable, and this level of support never wavers.

Believing in this kind of co-creation at first is scary, no doubt. Can I fully trust? And some days it all feels like it’s outside of your control. In some ways, it is, and some ways, it is not. Knowing the difference between these two points is key in how you ride the flow of abundance in your life.

The good news is you can actively cultivate and nourish yourself through a sacred ritual of co-creation, so that it replenishes and guides you every step of the way. (We will dive into this and so much more in the upcoming course.)

Getting started is as simple as showing up in the unknown. Take a step. Make one loving promise to yourself today by taking action in the direction of where you’d like to see your life grow. If you show up consistently and add the constancy of your attention. you will see there are plenty of blessings in disguise. Notice the rhythm life has and how it wants to match your own. In step, the two of you will make things happen, including surprises that are better than anything you could have ever planned for.

If you struggle with breaking free from strong scarcity narratives, feel like New Age adages around abundance have been a letdown, and are ready to learn how you can effectively apply these spiritual principles in your everyday life, I invite you to join me in From Scarcity to Abundance and spend the next four weeks putting them into practice together (and register through September 24th to save $168!).

I return to this framework again and again as my foundation in all areas of my life and all situations that arise, both the highs and the lows.

So can you.

Yours for a truly abundant and beautiful life,

P.S. You can still sign up for a recording of Sunday's workshop here.


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