True Wealth
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True wealth starts from the inside. It is an inner to outer cultivation. It needs to be built on a foundation of trust and honesty.
The more you can lay to rest what no longer is true the more you can welcome the work that is meant to be and give you joy.
Strip yourself of all excess and connect to the joy you already have in life. Celebrate where you have love in life build from here.
True wealth is not fancy, nor does it boast about itself.
It is clean, simple, and inner directed.
True wealth perseveres even in the darkest of times.
Even when there is doubt about what will be.
Stay true to yourself.
Follow the consciousness of the work that inspires you, that guides you.
Meditate daily so that you stay in touch with your essence.
As you do so the false layers of the self will be purified and drop away.
This process of unwinding expectations, unmasking yourself, brings about who you really are.
Who you really are begins with who you feel yourself to be and for this to remain in evolution your attention is required.
Stay in contact with yourself.
To change means a healthy dose less of what did not fit you to begin with.
The nature of change is that you will die to your old self. Layer upon layer will be shed.
If the old skin is not offered up, we can sometimes be walking around with too heavy a burden to bear.
All the grievances from before must be laid to rest in peace with forgiveness in your heart for yourself and for others.
Everything that does not go your way is learning how to trust what needs to fall away will.
Your divine rite of passage starts here.
With Love in your heart. It is basic and bare.
True wealth has no frills.
Just the closeness of being side-by-side with life itself.
Flesh and bone.
Heart to heart.
Soul to soul.