What is your vision for 2022? 🔮

Colorful mixed media art by Michela Martello, blending vibrant hues and varied textures to evoke themes of vitality, creativity, and personal transformation, resonating with the healing journey embraced within the coaching business

Artist: Michela Martello

Dearest You,

What is your vision for 2022?

Have you taken some quality time to acknowledge yourself for everything you created in 2021?

Have you given yourself the loving soft space of compassion for the grief, loss, and disappointment you may be feeling at this year’s end?

Have you honored yourself for your accomplishments and celebrated the intimacy of your unique breakthroughs?

Are you ready for a soft place to land, so that you can finally lay to rest the old promises your’ve outgrown to welcome in a new way of being?

Are you ready for 2022 to welcome you with open arms and begin a new cycle of growth and expansion for your life, work, relationships?

I love the energy of deep time as we move in towards the Winter Solstice. 

I love slowing down and getting real quiet this time of year, reflecting on what is in my heart and focusing on what is truly important to me, so that I can feel prepared for all that will require my attention in the new year to come. 

What would it be like for you to enter this next phase of growth and transformation in your life with a clear intention and a powerful plan to help grow your life, relationships, healing practice and vision for your business over the next year in a way that feels purposeful, grounded, practical, aligned, and inspired?

Now is the perfect time to connect in with the source of all that is already guiding you. Your inspiration and creative purpose are calling. Now is the time to lay the foundation for powerful steps for growth and to get crystal clear on what you want to create in 2022.

This Sunday, December 19th at 1:00pm Eastern Time, you are invited for A Journey Into the Heart of Your Vision for 2022.

This gathering is free to join and open for all. During this live online class (on Zoom), you will have the deep and sacred time to:

  • Create an intentional space of meditative reflection on how this year 2021 shaped you and changed you.

  • Honor what is ready to be released, lay to rest old patterns and promises made (consciously and unconsciously), honor the relationships you’ve outgrown that no longer serve to support your future intention and direction. (*Learn the energetic practices that will help you unwind from these stuck energies.)

  • Open to the energy of inspiration and vision to set a powerful intention for what you want to call in and create for your life in 2022. (*Learn the skills you will need to powerfully support and follow through on your intention.)

  • Identify the unique needs you have for expanding your creative voice, healing work and spiritual practice while clarifying a step-by-step plan for you to step fully into your capacity for leadership in work and life, so that you can finally build the business you need for the life you want in 2022.

You see, if you start the year without a clear connection to your creative vision, all the business strategy in the world can’t help you set up for success. 

This can look like working harder (not smarter) without generating the results you want, spending more time, energy, and money on trainings and services that actually are not set up to support you and feeling like all the big beautiful ideas you have are just too overwhelming to bring into form.

It is really important to me that you have the support you need to bring your creative vision into alignment with your everyday business needs, so that you can have more of what you REALLY want (time, money, energy, clarity, direction, support) and that the strategies you implement actually get you where you want to go.  

A way of being and an approach to working  that will provide you with...

  • A clear sense of direction and purpose, so that you can feel confident in your business practices and deepen the level of support you provide your clients.

  • A deep and soulful connection to guidance for your life and a clear overarching purpose for your work, so that you can appreciate the deeper value of what you do and charge appropriately for your services with integrity.

  • A structure and a framework for your offerings that creates a community of support for your clients, enables deeply meaningful relationships and a shared path of purpose towards lasting transformation.

  • A network of support that offers you in-depth personal, spiritual and professional development that accepts you unconditionally and allows you to show up for your creative work and clients with confidence, trusting beyond all else that who you are and what you have to offer is already more than enough.

The biggest obstacle that gets in the way of knowing the true value of your work and maintaining a clear direction of purpose and vision for your business is the persistent (and very unhelpful) habit of comparing yourself to others.

In order for you to powerfully step into the work you are here to do, you must first connect (and feel, see, and know) the source of guidance for your creative vision and unique work.

This Sunday’s session is all about harnessing the energy of inspiration and vision that is calling you forward into your life, work and relationships.

Purpose is a shared journey. The more you know why you are here, the more you can actually help others who are seeking what you are here to give.

Even if on some level you still don’t quite trust yourself to follow through on what you need to do to grow your business, what you want for your life is possible. The fact that you feel this longing so completely and deeply within yourself means it belongs to you.  

And now it is time for you to choose it and say yes to the sacred path that will open up inside of you because of it. 

It is always an honor for me to hold this sacred space for communing with your highest level of purpose and meaning for your life.

There is something undeniable about these times and the need for sacred and soulful spaces. The individual healing journey is a collective one. The life you want and the visions you dream of are available to you. We each have a part to play in the unfolding of what rests uniquely in our hearts.

I hope you will join us! 

Click here to register. 

With Oceans of Love,

"A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more."

Elizabeth Moss Kanter


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