Grueling and Poetic
Artist: @gochagia
There is something grueling and poetic about making it as an entrepreneur. Building your own business from the ground up with your heart and soul is hard core.
One of the mistruths I hear and see a lot is that once you find your purpose everything else will fall into place. It should feel easy, right?! Everything will just come to you. The universe will reward you for it.
This simply is not true.
Many of my clients struggle with this realization. They have discovered within themselves the thing they have been searching for. The thing they know deep in their bones is true. And then: "But why is this so hard? Why do I feel terrified? If this is my soul longing, why is it not working out the way I thought it would?"
It is the biggest challenge we have as pioneers (a.k.a. entrepreneurs) is working and creating at the edge of what has never been done before.
And once you find yourself at the feet of this newly found path it will ask everything of you.
Just like any kind of great love, your purpose, your reason for being here, will grow you through each challenge.
And it does get easier.
Flow opens.
Abundance comes.
Feeling supported happens.
With consistent work, real constructive feedback, true grit, the right support, and a healthy dose of perseverance over time things begin to shift.
The daily practice underneath it all is cultivating deep self-trust.
I see a lot of businesses out there offering "stuff" and a lot of it feels empty to me. Like it's just one more thing we need to decide to consume or not.
And there is a whole new wave of businesses out there who really want to make it count. Who really care about the impact they are having and how they are informing culture.
There may be a lot of people just offering you a scheme or the next thing to buy, but there are a lot of people out there who are really doing their (inner) work to stay in integrity to offer real lasting change and transformation.
This is what I am interested in supporting. This is what I feel we really need. If we are interested in shaping culture we (empaths, healers, artists, teachers) need to be a part of the conversation around money, power, politics and leadership.
The challenge for pioneering healers and artists is that they are reluctant entrepreneurs . They never signed up to be an entrepreneur. And there is a lot of conflict that arises out of this tension: the need to stay true to our purpose and the need to participate in a conversation that is based on values which we may not agree with.
And what's true is if you want to have real impact on the world around you and do it by following your calling you will need to learn how to implement strategies that translate what you do have to offer into practical value that benefits and transforms the lives of others.
At first this can feel impossible.
But, when you start to see that your voice and vision are vehicles for transforming culture and you have the right systems and support in place, it all gets really dynamic and fun.
From here, the possibilities open wide. Beyond your expectations.
This is what real flow and abundance feels like. When what you see, feel, know and embody comes alive in relationship. When reciprocity yields and adds value to quality of life. When giving and receiving nourish one another.
You have something poetic inside of you the world needs. And the birth of that into something real and sustainable is grueling.
Anything worth doing is hard at first. It will bring up all of your worst fears and show you everything about yourself that you are here to become.
Terror is not a reason to stop. It is the reason to keep going.
Feeling the fear of: "Is this going to work, really?!" means you have found your path. This will grow you into the person you have come here to be.
Everyone of us is an artist. Everyone of us has something to contribute. The first step is knowing what yours is and pursuing that. No matter what other people say.
Sharing in vision and purpose is what building community is about and what a healthy business can look like. Where we honor, acknowledge and embody our own gifts for the sake of contribution and adding value to the well being of the greater collective whole. Celebrating and appreciating each other for what we each uniquely can bring to the conversation of being human.
We learn as we go.
We pause to integrate what's been learned.
We return again and again to work with new information and insights.
We meet each moment as it comes, each person as they arrive.
We do the best we can with what we have.
We do it with our whole heart.
Are you feeling this too? Are you ready to step into the next phase of transformation and growth for your life? Are you wondering: "Is this the kind of support I need...?
Then click here to learn about the educational container I've created to support reluctant entrepreneurs just like you.
My intention is (and always been) to create a conscious, self-reflective and sacred space for the inner work to grow you into more of who you are, into who you came here to be.
Let's support the unfolding of what you want most out of life and help you take the aligned action towards creating it.
Let's look at what the crucial work of learning and integration for you needs to be, so that you can take a stand for the creative vision of your healing work that you have come here to create, share and teach.
Learn more about the inner work here.
With oceans full of love,