Trust in yourself is everything.
Artist: Ana Claver
Have you ever had one of those moments in your life where you said to yourself:
“Right now, in this moment, I have everything I need. Everything I ever wanted is all around me. I am present to it. I feel the gratitude. I feel it in my bones. I want for nothing in this moment. I am happy, at peace. I trust in myself and the life I have created.”
I had one of these moments yesterday. It was fleeting and as long as it lasted I paused with it. Soaked it all in. I was grateful. I sat still long enough to behold it. Absorbing it into my cells. It was a precious moment and I gave myself the permission to feel it. To feel it fully.
In the past I might’ve hurried past or skipped over a moment like this. Discredited it or felt guilty about it. But these days moments like this are everything. I know what brings me there and how it fills me. Now, I can actually receive this feeling of fullness and acceptance. It is simple and profound. All at once. It is not deserved or earned. It is simply an arrival. In a blink of an eye it passes through. An ultimate feeling of contentment from within.
These moments change us.
It can be so easy to take a simple moment like this for granted. It is in nature quite unremarkable. How often do we disregard the sacred? Do we truly allow ourselves to feel at ease, grateful for what we have? How often do we actually pause with appreciation and let life in to touch us?
Gratitude comes when we surrender and trust in who we are, as we are, is enough.
Trust is a remembering.
When we are able to stay with the feeling long enough - it changes us. It deepens us. Nourishing us. Fortifying us. Trust happens when we feel at home within ourselves. Trust delivers us into the fullness of our lives with Grace.
Every few months I find myself in regular contemplation about the work I do. It keeps me in constant connection with the purpose behind the work and always evolves my understanding of where its headed. I make sure to ask myself the one most important question I ask all of my clients consistently, more than once, over and over again, which is:
“Why is this work so important to you?”
What I have come to witness is that the work always distills down to this one sublime point of focus:
Trust In Yourself Is Everything
Building up self-trust requires care and attention for the places within/without where trust has been broken. It is a multi-layered embodiment process that is about remembering more of who we are and surrendering more who we are not.
Many people ask me why my work focuses on women. And one word comes to mind: safety. I have always felt my work informed by the spiritual principles of the divine feminine. I’ve felt this for what feels like lifetimes, and it does not waver. In recent years it has felt even more important to honor it fully and provide a sacred space for women to remember who they are within the support of a conscious community. And as a woman who has been on a spiritual path it is the journey of becoming I know most intimately.
For generations women have been silenced and systemically conditioned to not trust themselves. I believe that this work takes a stand for all women to come back into relationship with their most authentic and true self, on all levels of their being. To feel unconditionally supported, safe, seen, heard, wholly without apology or denial of any part of themselves for the sake of healing and transformation across past, present and future generations. This is my life‘s work. It is my hearts work. I offer it fully with my whole being in service to the wellbeing for all.
What I have come to believe and what I have seen is that when a woman trusts in herself - the world around her benefits. The world changes around her. When a woman trusts in herself she is able to take a firm stand for what she believes in. When a woman trusts in herself she sees herself through the truth of her heart. When a woman trusts in herself she is a woman who is clear about her purpose and direction in life. When a woman trusts in herself she loves with her whole being. She becomes fierce and full-hearted.
When a woman trusts in herself she leads with her whole heart. A woman who trusts in herself trusts in life. This is healing for her. This is healing for everyone around her. This is healing for the planet
This is our nature as human beings to remember who we are at the level of our hearts.
When we remember who we are at the level of our hearts we become the catalysts for the change.
May it be so. And so it is.
May we all be all touched by the truth in our hearts.
May all remember who we are by Heart.
With Deepest Love and Respect,