Business as a Spiritual Journey
Photo by Matt Howard
Building a business is not always about achieving success in business.
Achievement and success are part of it. Those are the most obvious results we are searching for and it is why we ask for the support we need.
To be honest though what I hear more people say these days is that having a successful business is actually secondary for them. The motivation turns out to be much more personal.
What is primary and feels even more important deep down is answering the question: Can I have what I really want in life?
Sometimes it sounds like: “I need to know I can do this. To have a thriving private practice and a business that works for me and supports my family financially.”
Sometimes sounds like: “I want my autonomy and creative freedom. Above all else I want to trust myself and know that the work I put in will work for me and give me the freedom to live my life.”
Other times its sounds like: “I want to feel established in my professional life, feel accomplished and solid in my work with clients, so that I can finally have the space to open myself to the romantic partnership I’ve always longed for.”
The area of life you desire change in will bring you the path of personal transformation you’ve been looking for.
When it comes to change there will always be the abiding question: “Is it really possible for me?”
This will include doubts, insecurities and questions. Bringing to the surface competing commitments, knowingly or unknowingly, that risk undermining your efforts towards success.
Why? Why is change so hard…?
Because competing commitments reside beneath the surface. They are lesser known subconscious motivations trying to keep you safe.
And when you rationalize fears away rather than getting in touch with your emotions, you prolong the process of moving through the obstacles that could actually set you free.
How you FEEL about things matters. It matters greatly when you are working in your business, falling in love or creating something new in your life.
Emotions hold the power to stop you or give you the clarity and drive to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
Subconscious motivations (and other conditionings) are complex and hard at work. There is no lack of belief patterns (personal, collective or ancestral) that can have you thinking what you want for yourself, that exact thing, isn’t possible.
When you take a closer look, however, this tension point can become a doorway. A creative opening that will guide you.
Subconscious motivations hide under the radar until you make a move. When you shift, even just a little bit, these underlying forces of counter-productive action will reveal to you what is actually holding you back and what needs support.
So often these little goblins from beyond conscious mind will surprise you.
Can I have what I really want? Sounds more like: “Only if you do it this way.”
Can I really do it? Sounds more like: “Only this much, and not more.”
"I don’t know if I can do this” can so easily turn into: “I won’t do this.”
Without a witness, supportive reflection, genuine encouragement and simplified action these reasons stop the creative process in its tracks. This is what you call “writer’s block” or “creative resistance.” This is why bringing regular attention to what feels stuck, overwhelming or confusing is so important.
Emotional healing work is part of the creative process. Your work on an inner level will open what outwardly feels impossible.
Emotional healing work is an integral part of building a business. That’s what makes it a spiritual journey.
It will ask you to feel into the deeper questions you have about yourself.
It will ask you to feel into your personal desires and truths.
It will ask you to feel into and get in touch with what is holding you back.
And it will give you an intimate and honest relationship with yourself.
Healing and growing through this is about putting support in the right places, so that you can act on the ideas and inspiration you are meant to bring to life.
When you say yes to building a business…
When you say yes to sharing your work with the world…
When you come face-to-face with your fears…
When you see what is actually holding you back…
When you lean into the discomfort of not knowing…
You will move your life in the direction of what you most want.
Discomfort is the precursor to change. Your doubts and insecurities arise so that you can feel what needs to heal. This how you rebuild a stronger sense of self so that you can welcome the new life that is calling you to grow.
That’s what inner work is for and why having support matters. Once you start noticing the unique ways resistance shows up for you, you can start to work on how things will shift.
Are you seeking to make a meaningful shift in your life and career?
Do you often go it alone even though you feel you need support?
Are you questioning what your next move is to support the longe term vision you have for your work?
Are you longing to feel clear, aligned and empowered in the area of your work and business?
Please join me next Wednesday September 6th at 1PM Central for Spirit Matters
This is a free educational class designed to support creative healing professionals who are ready to make a dramatic shift in the area of their career.
It is intended to support coaches, therapists, yoga teachers, energy healers and other creative entrepreneurs bridge the gap between the spiritual calling you feel and the practical needs you have as an everyday business owner.
This class is definitely for you if you feel you are at an internal shifting point in your life and in your work and are ready for change with solid support.
It would be a pleasure to welcome you!
With deepest love and care,