Choose Your Hard
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Choose Your Hard

Anything you do that touches you to your core is pointing to the next level of change and transformation.

Challenging you in all the exact places that has you questioning who you are and if you are good enough.

Whatever shakes you down is also going to be the catalyst for building you back up, anew.

The shake down is all of the old constructs coming apart for the sake of freedom.

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Finding Your Ideal Client
Entrepreneurship, Healing, Clients Andrea Frade Entrepreneurship, Healing, Clients Andrea Frade

Finding Your Ideal Client

Over the years I have realized that for practitioners who want to offer in-depth healing and coaching work it is crucial in the development of your offers to be very clear about these two things:

  1. Your Work’s Energetic Soul Blueprint

  2. How Your Work Serves to Support a Specific Person

In the overall development of your business as a successful whole, it does not work to avoid this step.

Avoiding this step affects everything from your branding, marketing, and sales as well as your ability to sell your one to one work with confidence, clarity and zero ickiness.

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Business as a Spiritual Journey
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Business as a Spiritual Journey

Our emotions hold the power to stop us or give us the drive to succeed beyond our wildest dreams.

These subconscious motivations (and other conditionings) are complex and hard at work. There is no lack of belief patterns (personal, collective or ancestral) that can convince you that what you want for yourself, that exact thing, isn’t possible.

When you take a closer look, however, this tension point of disbelief can become a doorway. A creative opening that will guide you.

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The All Too Tender Human Experience
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

The All Too Tender Human Experience

When everything you have known before has faded into the backdrop of your past and you know deep down within your soul your life is asking something more of you.

You approach the chaos and promise of a new beginning. Yet again, finding yourself, at a tender, new and vital crossroads of self-inquiry.

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Grueling and Poetic
Entrepreneurship Andrea Frade Entrepreneurship Andrea Frade

Grueling and Poetic

There is some thing grueling and poetic about becoming an entrepreneur. Building a business from the ground up with your heart and soul is hard core.

One of the mistruths I hear and see a lot is that once you find your purpose everything else will fall into place. It should feel easy, right?! Everything will just come to you. The universe will reward you for it.

This simply is not true.

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