The Turning Point
Healing, Entrepreneurship, Business Andrea Frade Healing, Entrepreneurship, Business Andrea Frade

The Turning Point

Eight years ago, I faced a pivotal turning point in my life and career. ⁠

Despite doing what I loved for a living, I worked often with almost no time off which caused me to burn out on the work I loved to do.⁠

I knew my passion was to be of service, to truly effect influential change in the lives of my clients, and I was working with clients I loved, but I still felt stretched across different business models that were not enabling me to truly thrive.⁠

I was exhausted.⁠

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Reimagine Success
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Reimagine Success

I used to think that my level of success depended upon how hard I worked in my business. ⁠

This led to a feeling that I alone was responsible for making success happen.⁠

I can imagine many honest, hard-working, driven people share this belief.⁠

We take it ALL on ourselves.
We know how important self-responsibility is to creating success consistently. ⁠

We have the drive, discipline, and focus to make it happen.⁠

But somewhere along the way we can find ourselves out of balance with that drive. ⁠

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Business as a Spiritual Journey
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Business as a Spiritual Journey

Our emotions hold the power to stop us or give us the drive to succeed beyond our wildest dreams.

These subconscious motivations (and other conditionings) are complex and hard at work. There is no lack of belief patterns (personal, collective or ancestral) that can convince you that what you want for yourself, that exact thing, isn’t possible.

When you take a closer look, however, this tension point of disbelief can become a doorway. A creative opening that will guide you.

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