Business as a Spiritual Journey
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Business as a Spiritual Journey

Our emotions hold the power to stop us or give us the drive to succeed beyond our wildest dreams.

These subconscious motivations (and other conditionings) are complex and hard at work. There is no lack of belief patterns (personal, collective or ancestral) that can convince you that what you want for yourself, that exact thing, isn’t possible.

When you take a closer look, however, this tension point of disbelief can become a doorway. A creative opening that will guide you.

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The All Too Tender Human Experience
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

The All Too Tender Human Experience

When everything you have known before has faded into the backdrop of your past and you know deep down within your soul your life is asking something more of you.

You approach the chaos and promise of a new beginning. Yet again, finding yourself, at a tender, new and vital crossroads of self-inquiry.

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