Moving through Friction

It can be so hard as an empath to hold your ground, your truth, in the face of relationships.

Relationships naturally challenge you.

Many of our most promising moments are difficult ones.

These moments reveal to us the dynamics that have been with us since childhood.

It is a gift when you can see that the patterns showing up for you now are exactly what is needed to help you heal your past and allow for a new and different future.

No matter how much you wish it were not so, these difficult moments show you who people are.

Utilizing relationships as a mirror for your own personal growth and transformation is a powerful practice.

When you can see in the other - what holds so strongly in you.

Where you hold back, bear down, attack, belittle, disappear, or stop living your life is a clue to a survival pattern developed early on.

Where do you notice parallels between your current-day relationship patterns and the ones that have played out in your family for eons?

How do these patterns affect you?

Where do you feel them reverberate in your body?

What do you feel there?

Stuck, angered, caught, silenced?

This is where the healing needs and wants to go.

Trust the process.
Your body knows the way.

If this feels helpful, take a moment to get quiet.

Choose a situation you can work with and stay present to.
Think of a person or situation that is aggravating you.

What is the person doing or saying that activates a reaction in you?

Notice the reaction.
What do you sense?
What is the energy here?
Push… Pull... Avoid… Merge?

Notice the quality.
Stay with it.

What does this reveal to you?

Compassionately locate the part of you that is having the reaction.

What is happening for you here?
What does this part of you need now?

Wait. Witness.
Ask. Experience.

Give yourself a moment to connect to what you need.
Allow yourself a healing response as long as you need.

Once you feel complete gently close the process with appreciation for what this awareness gave you.

What did you receive from listening in?
If it feels helpful, write down what feels important.

Sit with the healing response you received for as long as you need.


Embracing Chaos to Find Clarity


Healing Our Relationships