Moving through Friction
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Moving through Friction

It can be so hard to hold your ground, your truth, in the face of relationships.

Relationships naturally challenge you.

Many of our most promising moments are difficult ones.

These moments reveal to us the dynamics that have been with us since childhood.

It is a gift when you can see that the patterns showing up for you now are exactly what is needed to help you heal your past and allow for a new and different future.

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Embracing Your Inner Process
Healing Andrea Frade Healing Andrea Frade

Embracing Your Inner Process

Sometimes this means having the courage to simply show up with nothing more to say or give, and just grieve what is letting go with greater amounts of care and self-compassion.

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Healing Andrea Frade Healing Andrea Frade


You see it doesn’t matter what area of your life challenges you, your particular direction life, the evolution and curriculum you will undergo, that is unique to you will always be pointed out to you by your soul.

You will know it by what hands you the boon of ecstasy and the undercurrent of grief at the same time.

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Love Is a Heavy Weight
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Love Is a Heavy Weight

When what you’ve tried before isn’t resulting in the change you seek to create this is when you know a whole new way of being is asking you to let go of the old ways.

Not all is meant to come with you in this next phase of the journey.

Are you at a crossroads wondering what is the next step in my life?

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 Unburden Yourself
Self-Love, Self-Trust, Healing Andrea Frade Self-Love, Self-Trust, Healing Andrea Frade

Unburden Yourself

Welcoming ourselves into the unknown isn’t easy. As human beings we are never as good at the letting go part as we’d like to be.

Letting go on a deeper level requires surrendering the need for control and trusting yourself in the unknown. It is a necessary part of the rebirthing process that leads to long term embodied change.

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The All Too Tender Human Experience
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

The All Too Tender Human Experience

When everything you have known before has faded into the backdrop of your past and you know deep down within your soul your life is asking something more of you.

You approach the chaos and promise of a new beginning. Yet again, finding yourself, at a tender, new and vital crossroads of self-inquiry.

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Allowing for Support
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Allowing for Support

Wherever we may still lack trust is a place from within the Self we can go to rebuild and repair.

Being in relationship is the opening. It is the invitation to the deepest understanding of who we are.

As we embody more of who we are and become more self-aware of what we truly need to feel (not just know) we are supported, we open with greater ease in the areas of our life where it is easier to hide, protect, and consciously or unconsciously play it small.

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Getting real about the obstacles you face
Self-Love Andrea Frade Self-Love Andrea Frade

Getting real about the obstacles you face

Our work here is not to help you pick out flaws about yourself.Our work here is to help you to see more clearly the obstacles you face.In the most fiercely compassionate and loving manner possible. (So lovingly…) What is the benefit of beating yourself up about what feels like it is holding you back?

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