The Turning Point

Eight years ago, I faced a pivotal turning point in my life and career. ⁠

Despite doing what I loved for a living, I worked often with almost no time off which caused me to burn out on the work I loved to do.⁠

I knew my passion was to be of service, to truly effect influential change in the lives of my clients, and I was working with clients I loved, but I still felt stretched across different business models that were not enabling me to truly thrive.⁠

I was exhausted.⁠

I was driving across the GW bridge in NYC traffic in a rain storm - balling my eyes out.⁠

At this time, there was no clear path for change for me in sight. I only knew one thing: I needed to do things differently.⁠

Not just to grow my business, but to radically make shifts in my personal boundaries with others for the sake of feeling free and empowered in my life.⁠

There was no doubt my work needed to align with my creative energy, spiritual practice, and core values. Yet, I still struggled with feeling constantly overwhelmed, unsupported, and stuck in a cycle of “not enough.” ⁠

That’s when I realized I couldn’t do it alone. I needed support to transform my life and business.⁠

I needed the kind of support that could support me through my very own dark night of my soul and help me build something entirely new.⁠

I am a multi-passionate creator, deep seeker, and small business owner committed to soul-based healing work. I am here to help women thrive by helping them transform where they feel limited into areas for incredible expansion - whether it be in the area of self-love, romantic relationships, or business endeavors for growth.⁠

Over 26 years of spiritual study, personal development coaching, and transpersonal healing work, I’ve learned the power of radical self-acceptance.⁠

Now, I help women like you uncover your deepest truth and live it to the fullest.⁠

Whether you are ready to launch your soul-based work out into the world or change everything about your current career - I am here to guide you every step of the way.

Join us this Thursday September 19th at 5:15PM Central | 6:15PM Eastern | 3:15PM Pacific for a Free Class on How to Pivot Your Business (Without Losing Your Mind). In this class I will share three key points that are necessary for you to make a meaningful change.

In this class you will:

Discover the hidden patterns keeping you and your work stuck.

Stabilize your creative core and come back to center with valuable perspective.

Open to what is here for you, inviting a new path to emerge.

Let’s help you reduce the overwhelm, get in touch with what truly matters, and see your purpose-led path with new eyes.

All are welcome. (You do not need to be a healer or creative to join this class.) This free class is dedicated to helping small business owners pivot in a meaningful way in a changing economy and world.

I hope you will join us!

With compassion,

Andrea Maxine

P.S. Are you ready to move from overwhelm and indecision to clarity and purposeful action?

Join a community of visionary healers and conscious creators that will support you. Let’s help turn your overflowing creative ideas into a sustainable business that works for you, honors your purpose, and provides for your wellbeing.

Don't let another day go by spinning your wheels—it's time to bring your vision to life. Discover how personalized support, strategic guidance, and a nurturing community can unlock your next level of success.

Take the leap now—Apply to the Medicine Woman Mentorship and start building the business you’re meant to have.


Community as Healer


Reimagine Success