The Right Support

I think where we go wrong is thinking that a good strategy will bail us out of our indecision around our work.

It won’t.

In fact, strategy (or the lack there of) can often be what perpetuates the overwhelm we feel.

When I was at the height of my burnout - working full-time, doing what I loved - with no strategy or support insight, I was at a choice point to scale my business.

I had no idea what to do.
I did not know the phase of growth I was in and I had very little capacity to connect to an expanded vision for myself.

This wasn’t because I lacked vision.
It was because I was stressed about my immediate future.

How was I going to shift the way I was working into something more sustainable without rocking the boat of what had already been established.

Without much flexibility in my schedule there was little room to fantasize.

If I was going to invest in support it had to work. It felt like I had no room for error. I couldn’t take the time off away from work to figure it out.

I needed to find a solution that could work with my insanely busy schedule. That would help me:

1. See that there was another way.
2. Build it.

But what actually gave me the courage to take the leap was the trust I felt that I could do it.

I knew deep down in my bones if someone could see the situation I was in more clearly than I could and offer a solution that felt doable to me - I could do it.

Together, we can do it.
Alone, we can struggle to make it happen.

This has been the #1 outstanding challenge for the clients I’ve worked with in the last four years - Having a steady community of support around them that get's it.

A community that supports them, so that they can show up fully in their work, in their process, and be seen and heard, and make their vision a reality.

Having the right kind of support is everything!

Community and connection is the foundation for how we build trust.

In ourselves.
In our work.
In the basic goodness of life.

This is the way we not only build confidence, but where we can actually learn to lean into something much bigger than ourselves and take the actions that on our own would’ve never felt possible.

Whether you are ready to launch your soul-based work out into the world or change everything about your current career - Let’s help you get in touch with the expanded vision for your work and start taking the action that will help you make it a reality.

With compassion,

Andrea Maxine

P.S. Are you ready to move from overwhelm and indecision to clarity and purposeful action?

Join a community of visionary healers and conscious creators that will support you. Let’s help turn your overflowing creative ideas into a sustainable business that works for you, honors your purpose, and provides for your wellbeing.

Don't let another day go by spinning your wheels—it's time to bring your vision to life. Discover how personalized support, strategic guidance, and a nurturing community can unlock your next level of success.

Take the leap now—Apply to the Medicine Woman Mentorship and start building the business you’re meant to have.


Community as Healer