Community as Healer
Business, Healing, Entrepreneurship Andrea Frade Business, Healing, Entrepreneurship Andrea Frade

Community as Healer

As creative entrepreneurs, we often grapple with a whirlwind of questions:  

 - What do I offer that truly matters? 
 - Who will resonate with what I do? 
-  Am I good enough to deliver this work? 
-  Will people choose to invest?

It’s all too easy to blur the lines between who you are and what you do, but here’s the truth: You are not your work. Your work is a vehicle for your purpose, but it is not your identity.

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The Turning Point
Healing, Entrepreneurship, Business Andrea Frade Healing, Entrepreneurship, Business Andrea Frade

The Turning Point

Eight years ago, I faced a pivotal turning point in my life and career. ⁠

Despite doing what I loved for a living, I worked often with almost no time off which caused me to burn out on the work I loved to do.⁠

I knew my passion was to be of service, to truly effect influential change in the lives of my clients, and I was working with clients I loved, but I still felt stretched across different business models that were not enabling me to truly thrive.⁠

I was exhausted.⁠

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