Clarity of Purpose

A majestic mountain reflects in a clear stream, symbolizing clarity, strength, and the journey towards inner peace and transformation supported by the healing coaching business

There is a space within you that is still and whole. This space is the home to your greatest self understanding.

It is already alive and waiting within you. It is vibrant and most giving.

Like a wellspring of energy it offers you the chance of promise, to see for yourself who you really are.

Every longing, every question, every desire will be fulfilled through you.

You are the key that gives rise to your own awakening.

From this still space within you is the access to your own healing and deepest truths.

Wholehearted and embodied. 

Clarity of purpose arises out of knowing who you are.

When things in your life shift, break down, change or feel stuck, it indicates that something new is trying to come through for you.

Often, when the cycle of dissolution arises out of change, in perception or in purpose, people will quickly judge as if there is something wrong, something missing.

This missing piece is the invitation into a deeper level of presence, self-understanding and clarity of purpose for you. 

When we are out of touch with ourselves, and the source of our longing from within, this phase of change can stir feelings of inadequacy, immobility, overwhelm and confusion. 

Painful instability of our life’s circumstances can result in feelings of disconnection, upheaval, powerlessness and self-doubt, further distancing us from the true teachings surrender and acceptance have to offer us.

A healing journey is one we are all on. No one is immune to change.

We are all being invited into deeper levels of presence, self-awareness, integration and wholeness no matter what path we choose.

The key question becomes whether or not we will choose to travel the path of our personal growth journey in a conscious or unconscious manner.

The more awareness we have about who we are and what true needs we have the more we can meet change with more flow and grace.

Our capacity for embodied awareness acts like a bridge between our inner state of being and that of the world around us. Offering a plentiful and innate connection to the intelligence that permeates all of life.

In other words, we are interconnected.

So, how much presence and compassion are you willing to bring to the changes in your life that need attention?

Intuitive capacity is not just about being sensitive to energy or having foresight. 

Intuition is about cultivating your depth of presence.

The more attuned you are to your embodied state of awareness, and the various sensory perceptions that are available to you, the greater your level of presence becomes. 

The more present you are to the true needs you have and to the way your life is calling you the more accurate and aligned your choices can be for the direction your life will take.

Clarity of purpose arises out of depth of presence. Out of knowing who you are.

When you allow a strong clear sense of your own intuition to guide you, you are able to navigate the world (and any challenges you might encounter) with greater presence, power and purpose. 

Enabling you to make clear, aligned, guided and responsible choices that reflect what truly fulfills you.

When you are able to cultivate depth of presence, the intimacy with which you know yourself expands to the experiences you are having with others. Increasing joy, success, abundance and love on every level in your life. 

Technology speeds up the pace of our everyday and competes with our ability to experience a slow genuine deep and soulful connection with grounded presence and our own inner compass. 

The north star of who we are.

Coming back into balance with ourselves means listening to what is out of balance with greater care. 

Without this awareness we remain caught in the cycles of suffering that keep us tied to an immoveable past.

If we are to grow together we must become aware of the spaces we share.

For greater levels of consciousness and healing, connection and repair, to emerge we must first come into conscious relationship with the source of clarity, intimacy and purpose from deep within ourselves.


Remembrance and Rebirth


From Worthiness to Willingness