Getting real about the obstacles you face

A black and white photo capturing a woman wearing flowing white robes in the desert, evoking a sense of serenity, solitude, and spiritual exploration synonymous with the healing coaching journey

Our work here is not to help you pick out flaws about yourself.
Our work here is to help you to see more clearly the obstacles you face.

In the most fiercely compassionate and loving manner possible.
(So lovingly…)

What is the benefit of beating yourself up about what feels like it is holding you back?

It only helps reinforce the places that already hurt. (Trust me, I’ve been there!)

So, ok how do we do this?

Let's break it down 1, 2, 3...

The first step, on a practical level, is to take stock. Witness. Stop all you are doing. Pause and observe what IS happening. Name it. Write it down. Say it out loud. Pray about it.

Second, is to get in touch with what it IS you really want. Encourage yourself to dig deep and name what you need and want to have on the other side of this struggle? Name it. Write it down. Say it out loud. Pray about it.

Third, is to apply an incredible amount of self-compassion to the part of you that hurts and support your process by getting real about the obstacles you face. What do you believe IS getting in the way? Name it. Write it down. Say it out loud. Pray about it.

We may not have what you want yet, but in this moment what we do have IS the creative tension between YOU and EVERYTHING YOU WANT.

This is clarity. This provides a line in the sand. A place to begin again.

What you’ll notice is much of what you want is outside your comfort zone.
And much of what you don’t want is all too familiar.

This is the moment we have choice. This is the moment we have self-agency.

This is the moment we take responsibility for what we want and hold with compassion the things things we hope to let go, change, evolve, grow.

The ability to see with loving eyes what’s underneath and what’s possible.

In one beating heart.

The tension. The doubt. The impossible-ness of the situation. The frustration. The disbelief.

The desire. The longing. The vision. The courage. The voice. The creativity.

This is where our work begins.

Strategy starts with a heart centered place first.
Creative solutions are born of Heart.

This place of presence within you is unwavering. Undeniable.
This is the act of becoming present to what IS.

This is the place in your heart that is willing to cross the desert for love.

You don’t need to believe in a higher power to get here, but it’s definitely more fun that way.

Let yourself be surprised by what you are capable of.
Let yourself be unstoppable.


What is it you long for most?


Trust in yourself is everything.