Women Who Are Healers
Photo Credit: Artist Kristin Kwan
For many women who are healers, they are deeply spiritual and highly creative.
For these women it isn’t always about the money or even about a sustainable business model.
And yet, this is a huge part of the healing process.
To recover an essential, deep, felt sense of their own worthiness and belonging.
For women who are healers what tends to matter most is having a clear sense of purpose and direction for their work. To know it matters. Deep down.
For my clients what I hear most often is that their true desire is for their business to reflect who they are being in the world: self-expressed, heartfelt, truthful, transparent and authentic.
What we come to recognize in our work together is that this process of unveiling your true purpose is that it is about making the journey back home to yourself.
To be truthful, with the work we do, it comes down to simply that.
Who you are is more powerful than any business strategy anyone could ever teach you.
But for this concept to work you have to be willing to enter into the deepest connection you have with your own heart and ask yourself: “What’s true for me and what am I here to create?”
When we commit from our heart our lives change and become the catalysts for change in our own lives and those closest to us.
Living true to your purpose is not about what you do, it’s about WHO YOU ARE. It's about recognizing how you are valuable and a unique necessary part of the overarching purpose for greater individual and collective healing and well-being.
Are you ready to take the first step unleashing your innermost value? Are you ready to dive deeply into your own process of growing your healing practice this year? Do you long for a heart centered approach to expansion?
I would love to support you.
The next step would be to book a 1-1 Vision Call with me. If you feel inspired by what we discover in the call and you want to know more about how my coaching work can support you, we can talk about what kind of support (either individual or group work) would best meet your unique needs.
My intention is to help bring more compassionate awareness around the blocks you may feel around money, work and purpose and to offer you foundational tools for aligned structures that will support you in bringing your sacred work out into the world in powerful and aligned ways.
It would be an honor to support you and I look forward to connecting soon.
With Love,