Start with WHY
Self Portrait, 2022
I believe women are ready to change the face of business and redefine the way money changes hands.
I did not start out my career thinking I would coach women in developing their businesses.
When I started all I had was a strong desire to support, uplift and inspire others.
A passion to support and teach my clients how to access greater ease, peace of mind and more grace in their life.
For a long time my goal was to become a successful artist.
When a series of events radically change the course of my life, I recognized my core work was to support my clients in a deep spiritual homecoming. A remembrance of who they are on a soul level.
To fully embody your authentic self means you can actually align your life to what your heart calls on you to do.
Over the years this work has taken many forms, but the essence of it has never wavered.
When I look back, I see how every detour along the way was a valuable lesson in my own personal, creative and spiritual development.
All of it adds up to what I do today.
Today I support highly creative, deeply spiritual women develop their businesses in a way that is empowering and unique.
Because I know for them the success of their business means so much more than just making a good living.
The success of their creative vision and soul driven purpose means they can have real impact in the world.
Especially when the business model they create actually supports the true purposes of their life.
Most of my clients have a steep resistance to the traditional culture of money and business.
Much of our work is breaking down that resistance, so that an entirely new way of being in the world with their work can emerge.
This includes a very important step of reframing the way they understand the value of their work as it relates to money.
What you create today will have impact on the generations to come. Understanding the value of this precedes income based strategy.
Many of us already feel we need to redefine how we regard our work and purposes here, so that the way resources are cultivated and shared is transformed.
It is impossible to be a real force for change if your basic needs are not provided for. The fulfillment of your full creative potential is directly impacted by any disconnect from the very root of your needs.
Many people who are deeply sensitive to the needs of others overemphasize a spiritual selflessness that is out of balance with their own ability to thrive.
We cannot expect a very spiritual or abundant life if we deny our human needs.
Where you feel disconnected in your life is an invitation for a retrieval of power.
For many women on a spiritual path this area of restoration lives in the area of money and worldly orientation.
If you struggle with this it is an invitation for healing.
Business is about building healthy, inspired, authentic and purpose driven relationships.
Relationships are the way we change culture and influence the way value is expressed in our communities.
Your business is home to your most powerful and creative gifts. These gifts have purpose. This purpose belongs in the world.
When you know why you do what you do, that depth of urgency in your bones, you have the foundation for a business that will thrive.
The work then here is to consistently align with the way your purpose grounds in you, so that you can be a powerful resource for others.
May we each continue to remember who we are.
May we each recognize what a gift that is to give.
May we see these gifts as gateways for change.
If you are ready to develop the next level of your life's work, radically transform your relationship with money, and (finally!) have a business model that actually sustains you (and brings more JOY! into your life) I am opening up spaces for one to one coaching and mentorship.
To learn more about how this in-depth one to one work can support you contact me HERE
With Deep Appreciation,