Finding Your Ideal Client

A woman sits at a coffee shop table, focused on her laptop, typing intently, representing productivity and engagement in personal development with the support of the healing coaching business.

The perfect client is ready to work with you. 

There is no chasing or convincing. 

They are ready to dive in and do the work.

They might have reservations about time, energy, and money commitment. That’s normal.

But deep down they know: “This is it. Now is the time.”

It is beyond rewarding for me to know my clients are doing well. To receive emails from my clients that say: “It’s working! It’s working!”

I absolutely LOVE IT when my clients discover who their ideal clients are.

It’s a joy to see the results. 

And a huge relief.

My clients know that every amount of effort counts when it comes to business. 

This is why it's essential for the direction and success of your business to do the inner work of knowing who you are and who you are here to support. To feel aligned, empowered, and to be on purpose in the actions you take to build towards something real and sustainable.

This includes knowing WHO your work is for on a soul level.

Over the years I have realized that especially for practitioners who are energetically sensitive, empathic, and who want to offer in-depth healing and coaching work, it is crucial for your success to be very clear about these two things:

  1. Your Work’s Unique Energetic Soul Blueprint

  2. How this Unique Blueprint Serves to Support a Specific Person

In the overall development of your business as a successful whole, it does not work to avoid this step.

Avoiding this step affects everything from your branding, marketing, and sales as well as your ability to sell your one to one work with confidence, clarity and zero ickiness.

I don’t teach quick fix sales solutions. They just don’t work for my clients.

What we do is an in-depth analysis of the work you are here to offer, WHY this is so important to you, and what results your work supports in the transformation of the lives of your clients.

My clients care about the integrity of the work they produce as well as the alignment they feel with selling their work and signing on real, in-depth, highly committed clients.

I work with my clients on an approach to marketing and sales that is soul-led.

I help my clients set up systems and strategies that help them connect to the right people.

The strategies I help my clients devise work because they energetically aligned, inspired and clear.

Empowering them to the brave new bold actions they need to take in order to expand their network and grow their business with heart and authenticity.

Not just to find any clients, but to create better relationships with people who love what you are up to and need what you provide.

When you start focusing on the types of relationships you want to have in your business, you set yourself up for success long term.

When you are energetically sensitive and highly empathic, you need to consider setting up your business in a way that supports you and the in-depth work you are here to do.

If you want to LOVE what you do with clients you adore, consistently over time, you need to know how the soul blueprint of your work is guiding you to support your people. 

It is such a pleasure and honor when a client comes to me and says, "I’ve made more money this month than I’ve ever made in a year… "

When my client says to me "I hit my first 10k month !”

It is something to celebrate.

It is something to pay attention to.

It is something to do again.

It is something to acknowledge IS working for you.

It’s not a quick fix, nor is it a framework for everybody. 

It’s about staying highly unique and knowing how to connect with the right people.

If I could give you one piece of advice about marketing it would be: Listen In and speak to the heart of the person you know deep down you are here to support.


To grow a business you dream of having takes work. It is a steady, consistent process of connecting with your purpose, of taking consistent and aligned action, of having the strategic planning in place, and being willing to step out of your comfort zone to learn who your perfect clients are.

As you grow and evolve, so will your clients.

There is no failure.

There is only learning.

The soul blueprint for the deep work your ideal clients are searching the internet for has its origin in you.

I cannot give you the secret to your success.

But I can...lead and support you to get there effectively, efficiently and consistently. 

When you hold focus on what IS working, drop what’s not, and ask for the support you need - ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. 

Part of the solution to finding your ideal clients is listening for what they are already telling you they need.

Are you open? Are you listening?

I promise you, the solution to finding ideal clients may be more obvious than you think.


You Got This


A Reading for 2024