Healing the Money Wound
Artwork by Sarah Jarret
Money is triggering. Especially for people who care deeply about integrity.
Money is just triggering… right?!
Until it's not.
Until it doesn't have to be.
It is possible to shift your beliefs about money and be in integrity about it. Confident in what you offer. Clear in what you charge. And…What I have found is that this process needs our deepest care and attention.
Because the wounding here is deep.
Not because money is “the thing” you want necessarily, but because it represents a much more tender hurt underneath.
The other day a colleague of mine who I deeply admire, who is a bright shining star of a person, a healer and spiritual teacher, asked if I would sit with her and give her feedback on her pricing structure.
She told me afterwards that she was not expecting so much to come up during our conversation.
She anticipated a brief 20 minute phone call to go over her numbers where I might have said some thing like: “Yes, ok that’s sounds right, good.”
But instead we took our time.
We slowed everything way down, got beneath the issues, inside the feelings, treating every layer with care.
With her permission we went into a deeper exploration, so that she could see for herself, with clarity, what was holding her back from being fully self-expressed in the healing work she is here to do.
What she discovered were patterns. Old and familiar.
Associations with money and charging for her services brought up memories of past experiences that had been painful. Fears surfaced around loss, hurt and disconnection.
These places within her needed more care, more time, more patience.
What she discovered was statements like:
* I am comparing myself to other people
* I had painful past experiences
* People will think I’m greedy
* Who am I to charge this much?
* People will fall away
* People won’t trust me
* My integrity will be questioned
The competing belief: “I don’t want people to think I am out of integrity” AND an abiding wish of: “I don’t want to shortchange myself. I want to take a stand for the teachings and the work I believe in."
Once she leaned into the support we held for her, she was able to see more clearly and choose boundaries around giving and receiving that were aligned with the work she offers and in integrity for her.
She was able to see how much she wants to build trust with her clients and with that need now visible we were able to map out a few steps that she could confidently take to ensure transparency around her offer.
In my business development work with healers, artists and entrepreneurs working in alternative healing professions we run into almost the exact same statements. So often what is holding them back is a fear and mistrust of money, the discomfort of marketing themselves and losing integrity with the people they care about and a confusion or overwhelm around knowing what to charge for their services
These practitioners are gifted at what they do, they have studied for years, are credentialed and experienced, are more than ready and have so much to give.
Many end up undercharging or working in a business model that does not support them, which furthers the pervasive limiting belief that what they long for most - to do the work they are here to do - isn’t possible.
This simply is not true.
Is it hard work?
Will it test every inch of who you are?
Because it means that much to you.
When you are an entrepreneur in a creative or healing profession value is something that needs to be anchored into from the inside out. Integrity does matter. That is why I find healing at this deeper level of the body, mind, heart matters so much.
I am always surprised by how many times I am asked about pricing. Clients, friends, colleagues… I am not a “money expert” nor do I care to be. What I do know is how hard it can be to trust in what you know deep in your bones is true and allow yourself to have what you truly long for.
What I am passionate about is helping people see themselves for their own unique brilliance, to know that they can trust in the incredible value their work offers and support them in getting their voice and creative vision out into the world.
Your best business model is completely custom to you. It so unique - it belongs to you. Thats what makes it powerful.
Please, please, please let yourself be YOU - all the way through!
You are worthy. You are enough.
You are whole and complete as you are.
You are worthy of what you long for most.
With All the Love In My Heart.