Healing the Money Wound

A woman stands in a sunlit field, with the sun illuminating her from behind, symbolizing enlightenment, empowerment, and the journey towards personal growth facilitated by the healing coaching business

Truth be told ⁠
No one (who is a healer) wants to sell their work.⁠

What we do want is to come into relationships that will heal and transform⁠.
Transformation for ourselves, one another, our families and communities, the world.⁠

That’s what we want⁠
We want to change the world.⁠

There is no easy way to tell someone that you are here to help them shift their perceptions of reality.⁠

When you are a dimensional healer you may practice in ways that are less familiar to mainstream culture. You may even use techniques that are considered unusual or controversial. You might be creating something that has never been done before.⁠

When you are a dimensional healer you are working at a frontier that is often invisible to most people around you and there isn’t always an easy way to “explain” who you are and what you do.⁠


Imagine instead how you:


The essence and value of the work itself.

This takes practice and speaking from a very different place from the way you may have learned from traditional marketing techniques.

You might also need to grow into to the fact that your work will not be for everyone.

⭐️ If you are a unique and transformational healer, coach or therapist and you struggle with sales, telling people what you do and question the value of your work…⁠

⭐️ If you don’t know what to say on a sales call, freeze in fear when you have to discuss money and have a really hard time w/ fears of rejection⁠...

⭐️ If you just don’t know how to reconcile this conflict between the integrity of your healing work and how to “sell” it to people...⁠

This class is for you!⁠

Click HERE to receive the replay.

Start having more fun in your business and learn how to have impactful, honest and authentic conversations about money, transformation and healing. ⁠

In support of You,



Andrea Maxine is a professional healer, educator and guide who supports healers and creatives overcome and heal patterns of overwhelm and unworthiness through a somatic based coaching approach.

Her mission is to help you trust in your innate healing gifts so that you can confidently bring your work out into the world in a way that feels aligned and matters deeply.

She works with coaches, healers and other purpose driven small businesses to anchor the vision for their transformational healing work, so that they embody more of who they are and can confidently do the deep work they came here for with a true sense of worthiness.

To find out more about Andrea’s work book a vision call HERE.


My Love for the Fierce Feminine


Unburden Yourself