Unburden Yourself

A painting by Artist Christian Spencer featuring a vibrant hummingbird in flight, symbolizing grace, resilience, and the pursuit of growth and healing fostered by the coaching business

Artist: Christian Spencer

Welcoming ourselves into the unknown isn’t easy. 

As human beings we are never as good at the letting go part as we’d like to be. When old patterns persist we can feel stuck and worry things will never change. We can fixate on what is “wrong” instead of opening to new and different perspectives.

This last eclipse series brought a lot for integration. One of the themes that felt primary was how we hold what IS falling apart as we bring new aspects of ourselves into our close relationships.

Eclipses bring massive change and stir openings for access to our subconscious to enable awareness and release. Some of the major themes I've noticed this month with clients has been how we:

🤍 process old stories of limitation and projection

🤍 clear and let go of difficult relationship patterns

🤍 heal and release shame (what we make wrong about us)

🤍 unburden the internalization of misplaced blame

🤍 recognize habits of over identification with others

🤍 unidentify with what is not ours (feelings, beliefs etc.)

Releasing patterns like these brings us into an awareness of what is not ours to hold. Helping us to rebuild who we know ourselves to be.

One of the practices I use during times of intense emotional upheaval and accelerated change is to connect with and meditate on bigger bodies of consciousness like nature, mountains, trees, animals, bodies of water, and flowers.

Attuning to nature helps us remember that we are supported by the whole of life. When we can open to a whole system of energy larger than our own we have a much better chance at flowing with change instead of battling against it. Nature is a powerful healer and helps support our ability to move gracefully with change while staying connected to the positives in challenging situations.

Letting go on a deeper level requires surrendering the need for control and trusting yourself in the unknown. It is a necessary part of the rebirthing process that leads to long term embodied change.

Your meditation practice is a refuge that allows your body to become a vessel for self-healing.

In The Meditation Space this month we have been actively working with the potency of these eclipses. One of the things I love about energy healing and intuitive work is uncovering our capacity to work with the energies that surround us and becoming aware of how environmental shifts are encouraging us to to change beneath the surface. Our physical environment is layered with information and cosmic support that enables us to flow with changes.

Nature helps support your ability to move gracefully with change while staying connected to the positives in challenging situations. Trusting in your capacity to open to more, even in times of challenge, takes practice!

It takes practice to sense ourselves at a more subtle level.  Regularly working with your intuition and heightened sensory perception builds up self-awareness and helps strengthen a healthy sense of your personal identity. When your self-identity is strong and healthy, you cultivate a keen ability to discern what is no longer yours to hold onto. You can see with greater clarity what is ready to release from your psyche and release the responsibility you may feel for other people to be different than the way they are.

Along with the eclipses in the meditation space we have been working with the flower essence Star of Bethlehem. I love this flower essence for these times. According to Bach Flower Remedies, Star of Bethlehem helps alleviate grief, relieves feelings of depression, heals where we've experienced trauma or shock, and is associated with unconditional love, forgiveness, renewal, innocence and spiritual protection.

Star of Bethlehem is an ally when it comes to feeling unconditionally supported, spiritually protected, and caring for your subtle body system as you release old relational patterns that no longer serve to support you.

It is healing to redirect the responsibility that is not yours to begin with.

It is healing to unburden yourself of that which is no longer yours to carry.

It is healing to release unhealthy relationships dynamics that do not serve you.

When we want better for our lives we will likely enter a process of unwinding deep grief, realizing that our efforts to change are not enough to bring everyone else along.

It is also important to notice when we may judge ourselves for that unraveling, and see falling apart as somehow “not good” (or not with god).

Growth and transformation bring falling apart. Accepting this is a necessary part of change.

When you make new choices in life that are true for you, you will naturally outgrow relationships. Family dynamics and roles will shift, unhealthy patterns of behavior will become much more noticeable to you, and a swift shift in purpose may leave you feeling as if there is no roadmap for what’s next.

Change is benevolent, but not always benign.

Change is intervention.

It is an opportunity to alter your course.

Change opens us to more in life. Opening new and old fears, releasing pain, transmuting beliefs, and learning how to nourish and build the parts of you that are ready now to be seen and expressed.

Unburdening what does not belong to you is the process of becoming free.

What’s here that is no longer yours to carry?

Give it back with love. 

Release attachment to the outcome.

Forgive yourself and others.

Say a prayer.

Let go.

Welcome yourself home, anew.


Andrea Maxine is a professional healer, educator and guide who supports healers and creatives overcome and heal patterns of overwhelm and unworthiness through a somatic based coaching approach.

Her mission is to help you trust in your innate healing gifts so that you can confidently bring your work out into the world in a way that feels aligned and matters deeply.

She works with coaches, healers and other purpose driven small businesses to anchor the vision for their transformational healing work, so that they embody more of who they are and can confidently do the deep work they came here for with a true sense of worthiness.

To find out more about Andrea’s work book a vision call HERE.


Healing the Money Wound


A Powerful Time of Change: Eclipse Reflections