Unburden Yourself
Self-Love, Self-Trust, Healing Andrea Frade Self-Love, Self-Trust, Healing Andrea Frade

Unburden Yourself

Welcoming ourselves into the unknown isn’t easy. As human beings we are never as good at the letting go part as we’d like to be.

Letting go on a deeper level requires surrendering the need for control and trusting yourself in the unknown. It is a necessary part of the rebirthing process that leads to long term embodied change.

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Women Who Are Healers
Entrepreneurship, Healing, Self-Trust Andrea Frade Entrepreneurship, Healing, Self-Trust Andrea Frade

Women Who Are Healers

When we commit from our heart our lives change and become the catalysts for change in our own lives and those closest to us. ⁣⁣

Living true to your purpose is not about what you do, it’s about WHO YOU ARE. It's about recognizing how you are valuable and a unique necessary part of the overarching purpose for greater individual and collective healing and well-being.⁣⁣

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Enough Is Enough
Healing Andrea Frade Healing Andrea Frade

Enough Is Enough

In times of increased complexity it’s important to remember our lives contain a paradox.

On the one hand we are deeply interconnected with all living things on the planet.

On the other hand we are each distinct beings who contain the whole within us.

Everything in nature provides a purpose.

Everything in nature has a remedy.

Everything in nature is in relationship.

We are no different than nature.

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What is it you long for most?
Healing, Desire Andrea Frade Healing, Desire Andrea Frade

What is it you long for most?

Lately, all I have been thinking about is how incredibly changed I feel by this time.

In the last month I've really felt my own exhaustion. A tiredness that feels like its been waiting for me to tend deeper and more deliberately to my own well-being. To care more about what is simple and life affirming. To care more about what I can do to help AND take more care in how I do that.

How about you?

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Love who you are, as you are
Self-Love, Healing Andrea Frade Self-Love, Healing Andrea Frade

Love who you are, as you are

To walk a path of self-love one must prepare to encounter all of its opposites. How we do this depends on our willingness to feel and our capacity for love. Healing through the body is a process. It is about learning, at each layer of unfolding, how to hold ourselves lovingly through the process. To learn how to bring presence, love and care to the places that hurt.

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