The biggest hurdle for healers
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

The biggest hurdle for healers

When things are no longer working well for you, in the work life balance, you may be at a crucial point of change that needs some guidance.

It is likely time to create better structures as you move through your personal and professional growth edges. A foundation that will enable your work to flourish, create more clarity for your clients and sustain your well being.

You care deeply about your work. And you may not always want to give the business side the same attention. If this is true for you - you are not alone.

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Business as a Spiritual Journey
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Business as a Spiritual Journey

Our emotions hold the power to stop us or give us the drive to succeed beyond our wildest dreams.

These subconscious motivations (and other conditionings) are complex and hard at work. There is no lack of belief patterns (personal, collective or ancestral) that can convince you that what you want for yourself, that exact thing, isn’t possible.

When you take a closer look, however, this tension point of disbelief can become a doorway. A creative opening that will guide you.

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Doing It Alone Doesn’t Work
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Doing It Alone Doesn’t Work

My friends can tell you I had a hard time at parties. I’d rather be in the kitchen, massaging kale and blessing it with holy water, than being out in the crowd mingling with strangers.

I had a hard time connecting with people personally, and yet when I had a defined role like teaching, or laying my hands on someone in a healing session, there was no problem.

There was a gigantic split between my professional world and my personal life.

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 Working with Resistance
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Working with Resistance

When you are working with resistance and your usual methods of coping aren’t working anymore this is your indicator to pay attention. Take space. Take time. Old patterns coming undone may overwhelm you with questions. With this comes a new path and new skills are required.

Whatever the current situation is it is growing you and chances are the answers you seek are within you.

The answers you need will arise when you allow yourself time to sit in the questions themselves.

Insights reveal, not because you demand them to, but as you work your process.

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My Love for the Fierce Feminine
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

My Love for the Fierce Feminine

When the world feels crazy, and everyone is caught up in the drama of what’s wrong, the ability to make a clear, practical and direct shift is a huge asset.

The fierce feminine has always been a symbol of how to be radically discerning about what belongs and what doesn’t. The fierce aspect of the feminine archetype is a protector of life.

She is the aspect of ourselves that instructs us to know what is dying and to know what is growing. She is the aspect of the self that knows what to nurture and what to release without attachment or sentimentality.

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 Unburden Yourself
Self-Love, Self-Trust, Healing Andrea Frade Self-Love, Self-Trust, Healing Andrea Frade

Unburden Yourself

Welcoming ourselves into the unknown isn’t easy. As human beings we are never as good at the letting go part as we’d like to be.

Letting go on a deeper level requires surrendering the need for control and trusting yourself in the unknown. It is a necessary part of the rebirthing process that leads to long term embodied change.

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The All Too Tender Human Experience
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

The All Too Tender Human Experience

When everything you have known before has faded into the backdrop of your past and you know deep down within your soul your life is asking something more of you.

You approach the chaos and promise of a new beginning. Yet again, finding yourself, at a tender, new and vital crossroads of self-inquiry.

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A Crucial and Magnificent Moment
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

A Crucial and Magnificent Moment

Ultimately, there is no finish line or report card at the end of life. Goals and how we get there are too personal to measure against the standards of others.

And yet this is where I see many empaths hold themselves back from fully implementing their soul-led vision.

For example:

Who you are is highly unique. What you do doesn’t look like what other people are doing. So you might wonder, “Is it good enough?, am I good enough to follow through on this?!”

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Moments of Breaking Through
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Moments of Breaking Through

Creativity is a sacred process. It is part of the indwelling light of recognition that we have something to say, something to share, something to show. Something that has emerged out of the deepest core of our being.

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Your Sacred Work
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Your Sacred Work

For most women who are healers building the business is only as successful as they feel confident inside themselves to hold the vision and take a stand for the value of the work they are meant to do.

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Women Who Are Healers
Entrepreneurship, Healing, Self-Trust Andrea Frade Entrepreneurship, Healing, Self-Trust Andrea Frade

Women Who Are Healers

When we commit from our heart our lives change and become the catalysts for change in our own lives and those closest to us. ⁣⁣

Living true to your purpose is not about what you do, it’s about WHO YOU ARE. It's about recognizing how you are valuable and a unique necessary part of the overarching purpose for greater individual and collective healing and well-being.⁣⁣

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Walking Between Worlds
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Walking Between Worlds

This other-world of magic and dream, creativity and mystery, prayer and reverence, always felt so utterly private to me. As if it didn’t belong out in the open. ⁠

What has become so evident in my work with healers and artists is an urgent need to support this very fragile juncture between the seen and unseen realms where the power of imagination swells. Nurturing creative innocence is deeply healing and actively bringing our healing gifts into the light requires compassionate encouragement.⁠

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Let Life Change You
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Let Life Change You

When life is changing course let it touch you, let it teach you, let it bring you the blessings of events that you never could’ve planned for or predicted.

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Allowing for Support
Andrea Frade Andrea Frade

Allowing for Support

Wherever we may still lack trust is a place from within the Self we can go to rebuild and repair.

Being in relationship is the opening. It is the invitation to the deepest understanding of who we are.

As we embody more of who we are and become more self-aware of what we truly need to feel (not just know) we are supported, we open with greater ease in the areas of our life where it is easier to hide, protect, and consciously or unconsciously play it small.

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